New Music Database (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
April 21, 2007
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Included in releases (I assume you are looking for the new database)


Portal Pro
September 16, 2005
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Denmark Denmark
Hi again

I have tried many times know, and with multiple svns build but I cant work it out.


rtv is right, we're missing the GUI capabilities.
However i introduced a while ago a method to display multiple disc traclks.
Somehow i removed it by accident.

What we do is the following:
if the DiscId is > 0 then we add DiscID * 100 to the track number.

So you get:
101 - Track1 from Disc1
102 - Track2 from Disc1
201 - Track1 from Disc2
202 - Track2 from Disc2

change is available with next public build

I simply can't get the method described working. Im probably doing something wrong, and I hope you can help me.
I have tried adding both a "disc" tag and a "discid" tag to my music but it will not sort i as described above. The music is flac, could this have anything to do with it?
Anybody know when the "gui" will be able to handle multidisc albums? And what does the gui have to do with you being able to sort multidisc albums with a folder for each disc?

Kind regards


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  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    • #94
    The Gui for MP1 will most probably not handling Multidisc album directly.
    it is done via adding the disc id to the track.
    The only indication for us that this is a multiple disc album comes out of the "disc" id field.
    could you upload your music database to a free file hoster and PM me the link, i'll have a look then, what is going on.


    Portal Pro
    September 16, 2005
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    thank you hwahrmann for helping me out here.
    I have created a small sample of my music db with only a single album containing two discs. I have attached it to this post - don't know what the rules are about attachments, but I can remove it again if its not okay, I took the chance as its quite small.



    Portal Pro
    September 16, 2005
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    sorry I think that one was the version that contained the "disc" tag. I was a bit unsure if the tag should be "disc" or "discid". I have replaced the file in the previous post with the one that contains "discid".
    This version also shows the numbers ordered as:

    01. David Bowie - Young Americans
    01. David Bowie - Let's Dance
    02. David Bowie -
    02. David Bowie -

    Is there any other trick than just adding the discid tag, giving the tracks of each disc the right number and then "Update Database from selected shares" in the configuration (I have tried deleting the .db before updating just to be sure that it actually was created)


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  • October 26, 2005
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    band (= albumartists) is already included
    composer is already delivered by the Tagreader, i just haven't added it to the db yet. simply forgot it

    did you have a chance to add the feature above? Xmas holidays would be a good time to re-tag my music collection...

    Thanks a lot for your excellent work and your time.



    Development Group
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  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    • #99
    sorry I think that one was the version that contained the "disc" tag. I was a bit unsure if the tag should be "disc" or "discid". I have replaced the file in the previous post with the one that contains "discid".
    This version also shows the numbers ordered as:

    01. David Bowie - Young Americans
    01. David Bowie - Let's Dance
    02. David Bowie -
    02. David Bowie -

    Is there any other trick than just adding the discid tag, giving the tracks of each disc the right number and then "Update Database from selected shares" in the configuration (I have tried deleting the .db before updating just to be sure that it actually was created)

    Sorry, again no discid in the database.
    I need to look in the source code of taglib-sharp first, how the tag in a flac file would be named. no idea yet, but normally your tag editor should write the correct tag.

    Depending on the tag editor it might be called "Position in Media Set" or "Part of a Set"


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    band (= albumartists) is already included
    composer is already delivered by the Tagreader, i just haven't added it to the db yet. simply forgot it

    did you have a chance to add the feature above? Xmas holidays would be a good time to re-tag my music collection...

    Thanks a lot for your excellent work and your time.


    Sorry no, didn't do anything so far in this area.
    don't know, when i will have time to do.

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