New Music Database (1 Viewer)


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  • January 7, 2005
    Okay, I tried yesterday's svn and the above mentioned problem is gone. But again a new one (or maybe it existed before and I didn't see it) occured: albums of Nelly Furtado are also shown for Nelly (see screenshot).

    Similar bug happens with "Down" getting some "System of a Down" 's CDs listed under it's albums folder.


    Portal Pro
    June 16, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Maybe I'm wrong here, but I have the following problem with music database and latest svn.
    When I navigate into a folder in MyMusic, pressing F9 and select "Search for new files" nothing is added to the database. I have to admint that I have never used the music db in the past so it is possible that I miss something obvious how the thing has to be used at all.

    Settings in configuration.exe are as shown in the screenshot.
    When scanning the whole share from within configuration.exe it seems to work.

    Thank's for your help.



    Portal Pro
    June 16, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    @grubi: how much free space to you have on these shares. I also had this lately - with around 90MB free. Don't know how much has to be free though...

    On drive C where MP resides about 4 GB free space.
    On the share with the music about 800 GB free, but why should this be important.
    From what I understand data is only read from that share. This share is read only
    for MP so maybe that is the problem?


    Another question.
    Can it be avoided that in share view every track name is prefixed by the interpret if the track is in the database?
    For tracks not in database only the filename or the trackname found in the id tag is displayed.
    For tracks in the db it is always prefixed by interpret + "-".
    IMHO this is not consistent and quite annoying if you have organized your share like "one folder per album".



    Portal Pro
    February 28, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Hi everybody,

    I am using MP 0.2.3 and the last SVN (october 5) and I can't see the icons for the albums. I explain:

    In just one folder I have all my MP3 files, perfectly tagged with the album cover art (that means that different files can have the same album cover art, of course).
    I always use the same view for "my music" because it is, for me, the most logical one: artist (icons) - albums (album view) and then tracks (file)
    No problem for artist: MP downloads a picture from internet.
    Album: no view at all
    Tracks: no problem each track appears with the correct thumbnail of the album it belongs to.

    Why I don't have icon for each album??
    I think that this is due to the new database because I never had this problem with the previous version of MP (0.2.2 and last SVN)

    I spent all this day trying to understand, and nothing, that is why I decided to post, to ask your help and to THANK YOU in advance!


    Portal Pro
    September 24, 2006
    I live in Purmerend, a small town just above Amst
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    Hi guys!

    I've updated the Global Search plug-in to support the new database format. For some that is good news I guess :) Expect an upload soon (since I first have to do some testing and for some reason my house doesn't understand how to clean itself) :).

    About the new database structure: Why didn't we use 'views'? In that way the database structure would've stayed the same, the retrieval of data would be as fast as the current structure and there would be no denormalization, something I am principally against. It is true that changing data (alter, insert, delete) takes a bit longer, but that's not really noticeable when you're adding data on the fly. I only can think of the upsides of this method, maybe it has downsides too, maybe you guys have thought about that :)

    Please let me know! Thanks and expect the new version soon!

    Edit: By the way, you can't search on 'filename' anymore, since filename is removed from the database structure, in stead it will search the complete path + filename for your search phrase, something I'm not completely happy about, but it isn't a show stopper :p


    Development Group
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  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    • #39
    Okay, I tried yesterday's svn and the above mentioned problem is gone. But again a new one (or maybe it existed before and I didn't see it) occured: albums of Nelly Furtado are also shown for Nelly (see screenshot).

    Similar bug happens with "Down" getting some "System of a Down" 's CDs listed under it's albums folder.

    Ok, i know where the pronblem is.
    Will try fixing it later today

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