New Netflix Plugin (2 Viewers)


New Member
October 19, 2012
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United States of America United States of America
The skin file is probably in the wrong place (read the post in the link below) or you are using a skin other than Default in which case you need to copy the NetflixSkin.xml from Default Wide to the folder of your chosen skin.
Thamks for the reply and I really like the concept. Still working to get it going. The link you provided I resolved with your advise on previous post, this is differant. When I hit retrieve verification button the light goes green but whem I hit the ok button to close the page I get the error message. I think the path it is looking for is incorrect as it is asking for C:\ProgramData\teamMediaPortal\MediaPortal\Media Portal NetFlix.xml . Are these spaces in the address correct? Any suggesttions for fixing? TIA....:)>J}


Portal Pro
June 16, 2009
You are correct. There should be a file Media Portal Netflix.xml in the that location (including the spaces). It stores settings including the encrypted OAuth password. Not sure how to get that file though, looks like it is generated by the plugin after installation.


Portal Pro
June 18, 2010
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Canada Canada
Hi. I am really excited about this plugin. Does anyone happen to have a Avalon skin xml they are willing to share with me?



New Member
May 15, 2012
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United States of America United States of America
Are there any other queues you can access? I'd like to see the New Release queues or the Top Picks for me queues. How would I go about doing that?


Portal Pro
June 14, 2007
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Finland Finland

Has anyone got this plugin to work with StreamedMP-skin?

Is there some manual step that I need to do?


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  • November 30, 2005
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    England England

    Just tried out the new Netflix plugin........and i'm not as impressed as others - But all new things need to start off somewhere:)

    This plugin is not a stable 1.0 release.

    Not stable
    -Missing mshtml file crashes mediaportal config, when trying to login on Netflix.
    -Missing Default Skin file, due to wrong placement of xml file.

    1.0 Release? Should have been called 0.5
    -Basically you only have Search & Queue functionality - And they don't work great.

    Nevertheless I appreciate the work done, and will like to come up with some ideas how to improve features for a hopefully upcoming release.
    Some of the features may not be available through the existing API, so this is all opinions from my end user perspective.
    • Genres
    • Quick filtering between all/genres such as:
      • Most popular 7 days
      • Most popular 2012(last year)
      • Most popular all time
      • Most popular(Country)
      • Recently added(World Wide)
      • Recently added(Country)
      • Top Rated
      • Rating
    • Series/Movies button - Hot swap between Movies and TV-series.
    • Choose default Subtitle
    • Choose default Audio
    • What is friends watching right now? (Even possible?)
    Other things:

    • As an Danish Netflix user, it seems, that I cannot search for Danish title names - Probably due to automatic localisation when navigating through a browser. Possible to fix through the API?
    • When searching through titles a LOT of movies is not available - Is this again due to non-localisation in API/Plugin? Then i get hits for movies that are not licensed in Europe/Denmark?
    • Direct trailer link?
    • Possible to select audio/subtitles with default MePo buttons?
    • IMDB Scraper with an option to filter Movies/Series above/below a specific rating.
    I can probably dig a lot of other feature requests up if your interested..........So what about creating a project at Codeflex or Google Code to keep track of bugs and feature requests, and maybe other developers can join if you want?

    P.S Can you please update First post with the 2 fixes for 1.0 ? - Had to look through all 6 thread pages:-(


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