[New Plugin] Atmolight Process Plugin **Update 25.05.2010 V1.9** (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
October 11, 2009
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Belgium Belgium
hey gemx, been wanting to try your plugin.. wasn't working for me, found the problem..
The Momolight protocol used in your patched version (and the original one at the' site you mention) differs slightly from the one my controller uses..

So my question to you, would you be willing to either share the source code of your patched AtmoWin or implement the protocol for my hardware yourself and send me that version of the software?

In case you want to do it yourself:

MoMoLight-protocol used in AtmoWin: RRRRGGGGBBBB (or RRRGGGBBB depending on the number of channels)
Protocol used in my hardware: FFRRRRGGGGBBBB (the FF is simply a hex-value for an extra byte that is sent, I guess you'd call it the start-byte or something)

EDIT: Got it working with the original atmowin, but I'm not that happy with the 'live-mode', compared to Boblight the colors look much less vibrant, and a lot more blue/white.. D'you think this can be helped much by fiddling with the settings? (My german isn't all that good, so going through the wiki right now isn't on the table for now)

Anyways, still awaiting your reply so I can test CPU usage with your plugin before I can decide if it's worth all the trouble to perfect the colors etc:sorry:


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  • April 14, 2008
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    Hi gemx,

    after some usage of this version I noticed some things:

    - Seems that something has changed in the way my Atmowin settings are saved?!
    - My channel up and down is swapped again (didn't do this with 1.7)
    - The blacks seem to not be recognized as "black" ... Now I've always a Color in it... this also doesn't happen with the previous version?!

    Here are my AtmoWinX Settings (for dynamic refreshing like original Philips Ambilight, if it is changing to fast just raise the filter length):
    Edge Weighting: 11
    Darkness Limit: 1
    Hue Window: 3
    Sat Window: 4
    Filter mode: combined
    Filter length: 120ms
    Threshold: 65%
    smoothness 80%

    Best Regards


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 31, 2006
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    Just for clarification:

    1) The only change i did in AtmoWin was that the com port gets released when going to standby. This doesn't affect any other area of AtmoWin

    2) The only changes in the plugin was that you can configure which method is used for radio and music. Video should use the MP method which works exactly the same as the previous versions. So no change here


    New Member
    March 1, 2010
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    AW: [New Plugin] Atmolight Process Plugin **Update 23.02.2010 V1.8**

    Hallo gemx,

    verfolge die rasante Entwicklung von atmolight und seinem mp plugin, echt toll! Habe in etwas die selbe Hardware wie Du, sprich ein Ion Board mit Atom 330. Darum bin ich bei der HD-Wiedergabe auf auf Player mit DXVA Support angewiesen. Die Erste Wahl für mich daher der "Mediaplayer Classic Home Cinema". Für diesen gibt es aber leider kein Plugin-Support von Atmolight. Der hauseigene Player des Mediaportals unterstütz leider noch kein DXVA oder nur unzureichend.

    Also meine Frage: Wie siehst du Dir HD-Filme an und nutzt gleichzeitig Atmolight? :confused:


    Portal Pro
    October 29, 2005
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    ich hab auch nen ion und dxva funzt da genauso problemlos wie in mpc-hc.
    alternativ bei hdtv h.264 content geht auch coreavc über cuda wunderbar.
    der cyberlink ( powerdvd ) codec tut auch.
    unter win7 is auch noch der ms-codec net schlecht ( bis auf das deinterlacing ).
    einfach im setup den passenden codec wählen.

    dxva geht meines wissens nur nicht wenn so filter wie vobsub oder so zwischengeschalten sind.
    aber die interne subtitle-engine tut ja auch bestens.


    New Member
    March 1, 2010
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    AW: [New Plugin] Atmolight Process Plugin **Update 23.02.2010 V1.8**

    Dxva funktioniert bei mir auch wunderbar. Das war aber nicht die Frage. Dxva funktioniert momentan leider nur mit externen Playern (mpc-hc), nicht im Mediaportal. Stratet mpc-hc, bleibt Atmolight schwarz. Logisch, da das interne plugin nichts zum grabben hat. Beim Wechsel auf den Livemodus tut sich bei atmolight aber auch nichts. Grabbt da warscheinlich nicht die Videobilder. Genau das selbe bei der Wiedergabe von Blu-Rays mit PowerDVD9, Atmolight bleibt schwarz (Livemodus).
    Hab zwar gelesen das der mpc-hc codec demnächst in den internen mediaportal-player wandert, aber das dauert wohl noch bis zum nächsten Release vom MP.

    Wie habt Ihr also Atmolight mit externen Playern zum Laufen gebracht?


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  • February 25, 2008
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    i tested atmowin yesterday for the first time.

    - The blacks seem to not be recognized as "black" ... Now I've always a Color in it... this also doesn't happen with the previous version?!

    afaik about the blacks - i think you should set the darkness limit to 0. this should solve your problem.

    Here are my AtmoWinX Settings (for dynamic refreshing like original Philips Ambilight, if it is changing to fast just raise the filter length):
    Edge Weighting: 11
    Darkness Limit: 1
    Hue Window: 3
    Sat Window: 4
    Filter mode: combined
    Filter length: 120ms
    Threshold: 65%
    smoothness 80%

    Best Regards

    how did you set the filter length to 120ms??! i can only set it as low as 300 ms :confused:

    so far i tried the different settings with atmowin 0.46 live mode enabled. when using the mediaportal plugin, the bottom/top right channels are swapped. as far as i understood, the plugin should use atmowins channel mapping and settings, right?




    Portal Member
    October 11, 2009
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    Belgium Belgium
    You can change your channel-order in atmowin.. I had to do this anyway because of my strange hardware, but it should work for you too. (I suppose you don't need directions, but if you do I'd be happy to explain.)
    EDIT:Just realised that if you do this, the top-bottom channels would then be swapped when not using the plugin, so this might not be a solution for you?

    Anyway, tested the plugin in XP and it's looking promising for me. Now it's time for trying it in Win7 (probably in a week or so) and I'll let you know how that goes :)

    One strange 'problem' I have: When I boot the pc (MP starting automatically) the leds don't go to black when I get to the main menu, while they do if I close MP and start again or logoff and logon (MP starts automatically).


    New Member
    March 1, 2010
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    AW: [New Plugin] Atmolight Process Plugin **Update 23.02.2010 V1.8**


    i have install the h.264 codec from coreAVC because PowerDVD9 Ultra wont let me use its own h.264 codec in mediaportal. Now I can see HD-movies with Atmolight.

    But one big problem left: Watching movies from Blu Ray. Atmolight in Live-Modus don´t work together with PowerDVD, that play the movie. So please tell me how you solf the Problem. Please dont tell me that is imposible!

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