New Plugin: Pocket PC Remote for MP (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
May 18, 2004
Silverlight for windows mobile 6 is in an early alpha... I saw a demo somewhere..

you should really go trough the MPBlue code, a lot of the communication issues have been adressed there already..
feel free to use any of it in your project..

I implemented visual feedback using UDP in combination with Webservices.. (UDP just broadcasts a bunch of properties, if the nam of the song chages, i use a webservice to fetch the coverart image etc..)


Portal Pro
April 9, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
With VNC for pda i get every 2 or 3 sec. an screen update in 800x600. It is not possible to reduce the screensize to 320x240 and get an picture every 0,5sec. I think this could be enough to navigate in MP with the pda. A nother opinion is the CaseDisplay. Is it possible to get these information (and more) to the pda ?


Take a screenshot and shrink it to that resolution, its not really readable.


Portal Pro
November 29, 2005
Bolton, UK
Home Country
England England
Just thought I'd add my two penneth!.... just found this plugin, fantastic work so far and has saved me forking out for another usbuirt for the upstairs htpc!

Works great on my Orange SPV M700 running Windows Mobile 5.0

Keep up the good work....

btw I agree with all the comments about feedback/two way system so info about what's currently playing could be shown on the pocketpc.... that would be great!


Portal Member
August 22, 2007
Home Country
France France
Hello, i'm interesting by this plugin. I have a question:
does it work with mediaportal 0.2.3.RC2 or i must install with mediaportal

Keep up the good work.

I have an other question. This plugin can display the cover of my album. It would be great if it works.


Portal Member
January 11, 2007
unfortunately it dosen´t seem to work, i tested today and i can´t retrieve the music.
Anyone else that can confirm?


Portal Pro
December 9, 2005
Ok, couple questions. I have been using MPBlue with, haven't gotten around to upgrading and don't want to for fear it will break communications. MrSensitive, have you given up on MPBlue? If so, I'll start getting into this project, however it sounds like there are some issues with RC2, and I just saw RC3 coming out.


Portal Member
February 1, 2007
I was following the development of MP Blue for a while and now I've been looking into this plugin as well. After I looked through all the posts, I've done a little reading on Silverlight and since it is still not supported by PocketPCs I was wondering if it would be of greater benefit and easier to change the direction of remote controlling MP (be it from a PocketPC or even a mobile) to focus on the (now in limbo) WebInterface. Most of the things I've read that people want (including myself) could be implemented through a web service and accessed by most devices that have a modern browser, without resorting to proprietary coding for each device.


Portal Pro
November 9, 2007
atsakir, agree with you, a web page is the way to go.
It must be customized to have a workable page for small devices & must not rely on java flash, js, ... or 2 different versions...
Easy things in mplayerc (included as is)), let 's you play stop & so on.

It would be good to have full interface like the Mediportal icons as nice choices in the page , when clicking, it d open the Mediaportal part (my pictures or so on), based on the same pictures as from the different skins (or resized images...)

dreaming dreaming... but d really 'd like this! (did you alerady see proximis netremote?)

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