Is there anything that can get momentum on this again?
The two way communication which allows you:
- To browse and control your music
- To browse Radio stations & play them
- To browse movies, play them and then read background info on them etc etc..
Would be a massive plus for MP and another unique differentiator.
Please Please can we get a MP code guru involved in this?
I'd offer to help on the coding but I suspect my FORTRAN, assembler and 15 year old C skills might not be up to it. I am very happy to help test and suggest.
Is there anything that can get momentum on this again?
The two way communication which allows you:
- To browse and control your music
- To browse Radio stations & play them
- To browse movies, play them and then read background info on them etc etc..
Would be a massive plus for MP and another unique differentiator.
Please Please can we get a MP code guru involved in this?
I'd offer to help on the coding but I suspect my FORTRAN, assembler and 15 year old C skills might not be up to it. I am very happy to help test and suggest.