New Plugin: Pocket PC Remote for MP (2 Viewers)


New Member
December 21, 2007
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland

Good work for this product.

How can I customize the interface ?



Portal Pro
November 6, 2005
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
You can customize it by downloading the source code and change the source/design of the program itself. Not that easy ;)


Portal Member
October 6, 2007
How to start on fixed absolute postion in menu

Hi again,

Finally figured out how the plug-in works, and it works perfect! I made a script that connects to the port 8100 and sent different commands using a AutoIt script ( On my quest to be able to start a certain playlist or radio station without turning the tv on and with just one key, I got very far with this plugin. The only thing I wasn’t able to do is start from a fixed point in the menu with the keys available in the IrTrans mediacenter.xml. For instance results in different positions depending on a startup of MP or when using it playing music. It remembers the last file/dir and I haven’t found a way to turn this off. Is there a way to get around this or is there a better way to do this?



Portal Member
December 3, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Well, just got around installing this on an older HTC Blue Angel running WM6, and it works perfect even with the latest SVN.

Pretty handy considering my MCE Remote just gave up and now I don't have to pull out the MCE Keyboard all the time and WiFi instead of IR on top of it!

Too bad development of this plugin seems to have gone into "hibernation"...


New Member
December 20, 2007
The Hage
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Fist of all.
OMG thank you so much this is what i whas looking for _o_ you own.
but damn axim X3i old peace of crap ;) doesn't suppord WPA damnnet ;).

any way every thing work's fine now only the GUI :|
is this a basic VBA/C# application. if i have some time i will make a better GUI if it is.

any way thanx agen. if any one has a better looking one or some thing like that let me know
thanx agen for the verry cool plug-in


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  • December 29, 2007
    Home Country
    Ireland Ireland
    Is there anything that can get momentum on this again?

    The two way communication which allows you:
    - To browse and control your music
    - To browse Radio stations & play them
    - To browse movies, play them and then read background info on them etc etc..
    Would be a massive plus for MP and another unique differentiator.

    Please Please can we get a MP code guru involved in this?

    I'd offer to help on the coding but I suspect my FORTRAN, assembler and 15 year old C skills might not be up to it. I am very happy to help test and suggest.


    New Member
    December 20, 2007
    The Hage
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Is there anything that can get momentum on this again?

    The two way communication which allows you:
    - To browse and control your music
    - To browse Radio stations & play them
    - To browse movies, play them and then read background info on them etc etc..
    Would be a massive plus for MP and another unique differentiator.

    Please Please can we get a MP code guru involved in this?

    I'd offer to help on the coding but I suspect my FORTRAN, assembler and 15 year old C skills might not be up to it. I am very happy to help test and suggest.

    That is the one thing i am missing in this tool 2way communication, something like seeing what mp3 is playing(i tend 2 be on the can when playing mp3, and scroling by head sux ;)
    also i would love 2 work on the app 2 make it skinable.. but no time and i thing no skill 2.


    Portal Member
    December 30, 2007
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Is there anything that can get momentum on this again?

    The two way communication which allows you:
    - To browse and control your music
    - To browse Radio stations & play them
    - To browse movies, play them and then read background info on them etc etc..
    Would be a massive plus for MP and another unique differentiator.

    Please Please can we get a MP code guru involved in this?

    I'd offer to help on the coding but I suspect my FORTRAN, assembler and 15 year old C skills might not be up to it. I am very happy to help test and suggest.

    I'd like to help with testing. I can't program myself but I'm very interesting in a 2-way communication remote. It would make MP from very good to perfect!;)


    MP Donator
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  • December 29, 2007
    Home Country
    Ireland Ireland
    I've actually loaded VisualStudio on my PC and started trying to understand the code in this. God - I now fully realise how much I've forgotten/never learned!.

    I'm getting a bunch of undeclared externals which suggest I also need to copy down a bunch of the MP core code or libs.

    I can pretty much guarantee I'll get nowhere fast!!!!:confused:

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