[New skin] Black myst - work in progress (1 Viewer)


Community Plugin Dev
August 26, 2004
West Yorks, UK
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hey eLow, is this still work in progress? It's an awsome looking skin, and now I've upgraded from a PAL tv to 1280x768, I'm looking for a nice widescreen skin. :wink:


Portal Pro
February 18, 2005
The Netherlands
cheezey said:
Hey eLow, is this still work in progress? It's an awsome looking skin, and now I've upgraded from a PAL tv to 1280x768, I'm looking for a nice widescreen skin. :wink:

Hey cheezey,

Right now I'm not using MP, and not working on the skin anymore. When .2 final is released, I might finish it. Boilermaker is maintaining two widescreen skin mods you could try. You could also try to combine the Black Myst graphics with the latest widescreen MCE mod yourself.

I e-mailed my black myst icons to several people requesting them for their own skins, you might see them in future skins aswell.

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