Anyone that have managed to use this plugin on vista?
I still get the "Kan ikke spille:.... Audio codec:" error with both vmr9 and evr.
I can remember using the nrk browser with success on vista for more than a year ago. Don't remember what version =(
Would really much like to use this plug in. Any suggestions on what to do for making this work on vista?
I had the same problem, switched back to version 1.3.1 and got it working again. I also had to switch from BASS player to Internal dshow player under Music in config.
There is som smal issues but mostly working OK.
This seems to be an Vista issue, maybe someone could look into it.
I'll see if i can get a vista box up and running and see why people have codec problems. I have however problems seeing what can be done in the plugin, as I only give the internal player an url to play.