OnlineVideos 0.33 (19.09.2011) (2 Viewers)

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  • February 4, 2009
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    Switzerland Switzerland
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.20 (18.04.2010)

    The current ones in russian were not done by me. You'd have to ask MediaPortal Forum - View Profile: hershs, if he is going to revive with more russian sites (I don't read russian too well).
    Dear offbyone,

    Since i have not got any reply from hershs, may I suggest sending you all the channels from web-site, like this:

    <Site name="Russia.RU" util="GenericSite" agecheck="false" enabled="true" lang="ru">
    <Category xsi:type="RssLink" name="All Videos" thumb=""></Category>

    I am also wondering - when 0.21 is planned to be released?
    Many thanks


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.20 (18.04.2010)

    Have you created a complete site in OnlineVideos for You can PM me the full site xml or you can publish it yourself if you want using the plugin config.


    Portal Pro
    December 29, 2005
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    Sweden Sweden
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.20 (18.04.2010)

    Has anyone tried to integrate TV4 Play; TV4 Play - into the plugin?

    I tried the generic site config but failed miserably, and I didn't really get enough info from the WIKI (atleast not for me). Does it need a special site util perhaps? Or does it simply not work?

    I started a new thread and hope we can work together to fix something.

    Anyhow great plugin, I just missed the TV4Play stuff...


    Portal Pro
    June 2, 2006
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.20 (18.04.2010)


    Great plugin. Everything works except I still get error message for Justin.TV. It says:

    "Error getting URL for Video"

    Anyone else having problems with Justin.TV in this plugin?



    Portal Pro
    January 11, 2007
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.20 (18.04.2010)

    Hi, when I play video with the OnlineVideos plugin, I cannot change the volume with my MCE remote (Hauppauge HVR2200MC). In the rest of mediaportal it works like it should.
    If I place the focus on something other than MP, I can change the volume again. But I cannot do that without my keyboard or mouse, and they are not in front of the TV.

    Does anybody have a solution?

    I'm using MP RC2 and the latest OnlineVideos plugin.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.20 (18.04.2010)

    It should work as long as you don't play a WMP overlayed video. Please try if you can change volume while playing a YouTube clip.
    I added some code for the next release, so it will also work with the clips played via WindowsMediaPlayer.


    Portal Pro
    January 11, 2007
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.20 (18.04.2010)

    That's correct. With YouTube videos I can change the volume. But with TVGemist video's I cannot. That will probably be the WMP overlay videos.
    I hope that the new version will support it. When is that version due?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.20 (18.04.2010)

    That's correct. With YouTube videos I can change the volume. But with TVGemist video's I cannot. That will probably be the WMP overlay videos.
    I hope that the new version will support it. When is that version due?

    Correct: Tvgemist uses WMP for playing videos


    MP Donator
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  • May 14, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: OnlineVideos 0.20 (18.04.2010)

    I've tried to play something from pro7 but it doesn't work.

    2010-05-11 20:57:42.885289 [Debug][OnlineVideos(39)]: [OnlineVideos]get webdata from
    2010-05-11 20:57:43.252310 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [OnlineVideos]Updating View State
    2010-05-11 20:57:43.255311 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: [OnlineVideos]Hiding Search buttons
    2010-05-11 20:57:44.323372 [Debug][GenericPCQueue(30)]: MPControlPlugin: Received Message "RemoteEvent"
    2010-05-11 20:57:44.324372 [Debug][GenericPCQueue(30)]: MPControlPlugin: * / -1 / ACTION / 4
    2010-05-11 20:57:44.325372 [Debug][GenericPCQueue(30)]: MPControlPlugin: Executing: key 0 / 0 / Action: 4 / ACTION_MOVE_DOWN
    2010-05-11 20:57:44.326372 [Debug][GenericPCQueue(30)]: MPControlPlugin: Command "Down" mapped to remote
    2010-05-11 20:57:45.720452 [Debug][GenericPCQueue(30)]: MPControlPlugin: Received Message "RemoteEvent"
    2010-05-11 20:57:45.721452 [Debug][GenericPCQueue(30)]: MPControlPlugin: * / -1 / ACTION / 7
    2010-05-11 20:57:45.722452 [Debug][GenericPCQueue(30)]: MPControlPlugin: Executing: key 0 / 0 / Action: 7 / ACTION_SELECT_ITEM
    2010-05-11 20:57:45.723452 [Debug][GenericPCQueue(30)]: MPControlPlugin: Command "Enter" mapped to remote
    2010-05-11 20:57:45.759454 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [OnlineVideos]Set the stopDownload to true 2
    2010-05-11 20:57:45.818457 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.Play( Video)
    2010-05-11 20:57:45.842459 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer:play
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.024469 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Added filter: File Source (URL) to graph
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.109474 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Request
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.569500 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Type Answer : 03
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.570500 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Server Uptime : 277292928
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.570500 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: FMS Version :
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.579501 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Trying different position for server digest!
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.582501 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Server DH public key offset: 1396
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.582501 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Handshaking finished....
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.587501 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Sending connect
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.716509 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: HandleServerBW: server BW = 2500000
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.724509 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: HandleClientBW: client BW = 2500000 2
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.726509 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: received: ping, type: 0
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.740510 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: , STRING: _result
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.741510 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 0
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.741510 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.741510 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: fmsVer, STRING: FMS/3,0,4,423
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.741510 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: capabilities, NUMBER: 31
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.742510 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.742510 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: level, STRING: status
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.742510 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: code, STRING: NetConnection.Connect.Success
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.743510 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: description, STRING: Connection succeeded.
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.743510 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: objectEncoding, NUMBER: 0
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.744510 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: server invoking <_result>
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.744510 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: received result for method call <connect>
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.748510 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Sending createStream
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.751511 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Sending ping type: 3
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.752511 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: , STRING: onBWCheck
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.752511 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 2147584437
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.753511 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: NULL
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.753511 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: , STRING: 
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.753511 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: server invoking <onBWCheck>
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.854516 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: , STRING: _result
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.854516 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 1
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.855516 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: NULL
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.855516 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 1
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.855516 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: server invoking <_result>
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.855516 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: received result for method call <createStream>
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.858517 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Sending play: 'geo_d/ser_GossipGirl_s02e09_PR29A26Y_SDwide25_dummy'
    2010-05-11 20:57:46.858517 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Sending ping type: 3
    2010-05-11 20:57:47.261540 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: received: ping, type: 0
    2010-05-11 20:57:47.262540 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: , STRING: onStatus
    2010-05-11 20:57:47.262540 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 0
    2010-05-11 20:57:47.262540 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: NULL
    2010-05-11 20:57:47.263540 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
    2010-05-11 20:57:47.263540 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: level, STRING: error
    2010-05-11 20:57:47.263540 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: code, STRING: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound
    2010-05-11 20:57:47.264540 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: description, STRING: Failed to play geo_d/ser_GossipGirl_s02e09_PR29A26Y_SDwide25_dummy; stream not found.
    2010-05-11 20:57:47.264540 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: details, STRING: geo_d/ser_GossipGirl_s02e09_PR29A26Y_SDwide25_dummy
    2010-05-11 20:57:47.265540 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Property: Name: clientid, STRING: GmoYo4Ui
    2010-05-11 20:57:47.265540 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: server invoking <onStatus>
    2010-05-11 20:57:47.267540 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: onStatus: code :NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound, level: error
    2010-05-11 20:57:47.268540 [Debug][RTMPProxy(13)]: Request finished.
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