[Original Thread] "My NetFlix" Plugin with Watch Now Support (1 Viewer)

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  • April 5, 2009
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    Re: [plugin] "My NetFlix" Plugin with Watch Now Support

    Hey Winterescape,
    As much as I would like to do this, the only issue is when I make major upgrades (like 1.1) I have to submit the files to the skin folks, and if they dont have a new release for a month or so it will break the functionality of the plugin (i.e. syncing issues.) The other issue I run into is this is such a proprietary plugin, the skinners either don’t have access to Netflix (they are outside the US) to create the skin files, or they just plain have no interest in support.

    I do agree that once a major release is final, I could then submit the files to the skinners for distribution. But do I then remove the skin files from the install package immediately? Should I create a permanent zip file for skin files only, and only include the plugin dll files in the install package? Ideas?

    As you know any ideas are welcome :)

    Ahhh I see the conundrum, I suppose a checkbox for which skins on the install is the best compromise, you can chose what to install or not install, depending on if you had something newer or did not need it...

    Winterescape is correct on the sub-account issue. Netflix will ONLY allow instant watch movies on the main account, so you cant add them to sub-accounts. Sooooo, I created the sub-account system in the plugin to allow you to do this manually. On the Users tab of the configuration you can add users for the Instant accounts. For instance, on the Authorize tab in the config you have a main account called Tony, and a sub account in called Trisha. Flip to the Users tab in the config and you can add Tony and Trisha to the list (be sure to select a default) and then you can add Instant watch movies to either account in the GUI. Does that make sense?

    Just to clarify, you know you can create separate Instant watch users in the My NetFlix plugin?

    ohhh, I did not understand this, thanks for adding it, that is great. Where is the film stored? In the netflix queue under the main user or is it local in the netflix database. What I am asking is would the main account then see the sub user films on another netflix connected device when they open the instant watch queue?

    It sounds like this is a "favorites" for sub users stored locally?


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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
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    Re: [plugin] "My NetFlix" Plugin with Watch Now Support


    I just uploaded 1.1 RC1b on the first post. It include a few bug fixes (see the change log on the first post.)

    I also did extensive testing with the installer today. I removed all the skin files, dll & NetFlix Remote folder from my installation folder. I then installed the package and it worked as expected. I then changed a few of the skin files and comiled some changes into dll & built a new install package. I then installed the package and everything was updated correctly. So Im having some problems recreating the issues folks are having.

    Soooo, I need a little more info from the folks having install issues.
    1. Which skin are you using?
    2. What is the NAME of the skin folder? (i.e. If the BleazleWide folder is named BleazleWide_V8 it will not install the skin files correctly.)
    3. Which version of MP are you using?

    Wile E.


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  • April 5, 2009
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    Re: [plugin] "My NetFlix" Plugin with Watch Now Support

    To get the Apple Trailers to play on my machines, all I had to do was install this -> MEDIAPORTAL - free media center - MediaLooks QuickTime Plugin and everything worked like a charm.

    I did try the apple trailers today from within the netflix plugin and without the above I get "unable to play stream" error. However, apple trailers plays without this using the "online videos plugin" strange...


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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
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    Re: [plugin] "My NetFlix" Plugin with Watch Now Support

    I did try the apple trailers today from within the netflix plugin and without the above I get "unable to play stream" error. However, apple trailers plays without this using the "online videos plugin" strange...

    This is strange. All I do is parse the path to the video and play it through the MP player "g_player". I will see if the Online Video's plugin code is available and see if they are playing the video in a different way...


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  • April 5, 2009
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    Re: [plugin] "My NetFlix" Plugin with Watch Now Support

    Responsiveness of interface, lightning fast! Usability, excellent! Very intuitive…. It is behaving, as I would expect.

    Minor issue we discussed, I use the blue3 wide on Mp1.0.2 and seem to be missing the file “Skin\Blue3wide\common.overlay.xml” could you consider including it or posting it for those of us with 1.0.2?

    Attached log file…

    Oh yea… one more thing, now when I display movie details I see the fanart or just the blue background, the empty theatre is gone. Is this by design? B4 the theatre would sometimes show up and others just show the blue background.


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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
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    Re: [plugin] "My NetFlix" Plugin with Watch Now Support

    Responsiveness of interface, lightning fast! Usability, excellent! Very intuitive…. It is behaving, as I would expect.

    Minor issue we discussed, I use the blue3 wide on Mp1.0.2 and seem to be missing the file “Skin\Blue3wide\common.overlay.xml” could you consider including it or posting it for those of us with 1.0.2?

    Attached log file…

    Oh yea… one more thing, now when I display movie details I see the fanart or just the blue background, the empty theatre is gone. Is this by design? B4 the theatre would sometimes show up and others just show the blue background.

    Ooops... See attached. I will include it in the next version.

    Yes this is by design, I removed the direct reference to the theater background due to other issues. You can add a different default to the MyNetflix.details.xml file (just add the image before the reference to the #detailBackground image.)


    Portal Pro
    April 22, 2006
    Re: [plugin] "My NetFlix" Plugin with Watch Now Support

    Excellent plug-in. I stopped using netflix instant, because it was a pain, now with the advances you have made I am watching again.

    Is there any way to show the sub genres? Like when you look at Comedy in IE on the side there is action comedy, cult comedy, etc...

    Not a huge deal, but it would allow you to see more choices when searching.


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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
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    United States of America United States of America
    Re: [plugin] "My NetFlix" Plugin with Watch Now Support

    Excellent plug-in. I stopped using netflix instant, because it was a pain, now with the advances you have made I am watching again.

    Is there any way to show the sub genres? Like when you look at Comedy in IE on the side there is action comedy, cult comedy, etc...

    Not a huge deal, but it would allow you to see more choices when searching.

    Hey Markrb,
    Thanks for the feedback!

    This is an interesting request. I presume you are talking about the Instant Genres search? There are over 500 Genres that netflix uses (this includes movie studio's) so it is very possible to show sub-genres. For instance, I just polled the database Genre table for comedy and it returned this...

    Classic Comedies
    Indie Comedies
    Romantic Comedies
    Action Comedies
    Cult Comedies
    Dark Humor & Black Comedies
    Late Night Comedies
    Sports Comedies
    Family Comedies
    Foreign Classic Comedies
    Showbiz Comedies
    Teen Comedies
    African-American Comedies
    Foreign Comedies
    Anime Comedy
    Religious Comedies & Satires
    British TV Comedies
    TV Comedies
    Gay & Lesbian Comedies
    TV Sketch Comedies
    Political Comedies
    Classic TV Comedies
    TV Animated Comedies
    Must-See TV Comedies
    Latino Comedies
    Comedy Central

    So that could be a sub menu that would show up after you select comedy. Is this what your looking for?

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