Overlapping Text (1 Viewer)


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Each programme listed seems to begin with a logo of some sort, but if you look closely you can see that the first title overlaps the logo, and begins to the left of the shaded background. Interestingly, the title did not scroll. No channel name is visible, but the channel was actually "BBC TWO HD" (all upper case).
    The logo would normally be the station logo. The '2' is simply numbered items in the list. If '1' had displayed correctly on the first item, that might have been clearer ;).

    The display problem is a known issue when text in the second 'item' is longer than the space allotted and needs to scroll. Most skins just work around it by using small text and 'dialogs' like Active recrodings that are almost the full screen width. I am obstinate and refuse to do that for all dialogs (especially as it won't work for 4x3 screens) and keep trying to get the team to fix it. There are other cases and it is all kinda included in issue MP1-2388 Unified text/label controls with additional features,. You run into it more often because you are using (and loving! ;))18pt font, which no other skin supports BTW.

    As I said before, I can't help you with the app crashes/fontdll errors. You need to submit a proper bug report.
    The only tip I can offer is maybe to check what else is running when you get the error. I am suspicious that MP has trouble when there is either a lot processing or a lot of memory in use. The more info you can provide, i.e. consistent cases when the issue occurs, the easier it will be for developers to find and solve the issue. I know they are aware of it, but I'm not sure they have nailed down (all?) the cause(s) yet.


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    The display problem is a known issue when text in the second 'item' is longer than the space allotted and needs to scroll. ... You run into it more often because you are using (and loving! ;))18pt font, which no other skin supports BTW.
    Yes, it is the ability to have larger than normal fonts that makes aMPed easily my skin of first choice. By the way, when I installed MP 1.9.0 pre, I installed it in a Vista partition that had never seen any trace of MP, so I ended up with all of the defaults, including those for aMPed. The only setting that I changed was to use the "Wine Glass" theme, so my recent screen shots are in fact using the default aMPed font size (15pt). That has good readability, but with slightly more "breathing room" for the text, so I think that I will stay with that font size.

    As I said before, I can't help you with the app crashes/fontdll errors. You need to submit a proper bug report.
    Yes, I don't underestimate the difficulty of debugging an issue like this (probably some sort of memory-overwriting error), especially in the absence of a test case that guarantees to reproduce the problem. If I eventually discover a reproducible test case (or the problem becomes incredibly frequent), I will submit a bug report.

    The only tip I can offer is maybe to check what else is running when you get the error. I am suspicious that MP has trouble when there is either a lot processing or a lot of memory in use.
    MP is running on a dedicated HTPC, which is used for nothing else at all (not even browsing the internet). So the CPU and memory requirements are really just those of MP & TV Server (plus Windows, of course). The HTPC has an Intel Q6600 quad-core processor and 3GB of RAM. Recording DVB-T/T2 broadcasts does not require any transcoding from one video format to another, so this HTPC should have enough resources to run MP without problem.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK

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