OzTivoGrabber - Australian OzTivo grabber for Foxtel plugin for TVServer (5 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 4, 2007
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sorry my bad.. there is only zip files with the .dll & foxtelchannels.xml. looks like i never did a proper installer like i did with the mp plugin version.


grab that one and copy the zip contents to your tvserver\plugins folder and then afte that copy over the .dll with the version from https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/attachments/oztivograbber-1-2-3-zip.103220/ and then restart tvserver.

sorry chicken i must be blind or something, where is the full installer on the OP?
I 've downloaded all 6 of the files attached to the OP now and theres no exe.....



Portal Pro
November 8, 2011
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Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
Ok got it working now, or at least i can get the foxtel channel list to appear in the config screen

Now im stuck lol

I only need those channels delivered FTA in Perth, WA. I have 16 channels setup already in the tv server but i havent the foggiest how i set them up to match in the channel list here. Is there any guides written about how to do this? or has anyone else managed to set up perth FTA using this plugin?

It sounds like a great plugin to use chicken so i cant wait to get it up and running, bravo for such hard work by the way


Portal Member
March 4, 2007
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hi karl, have a look in this url -


Its all of the guide data that oztivo provide. basically what you need to do is update the foxtelchannels.xml so that it only has the 16 fta channels you're after along with the codes that corrospond to guide files on the oztivo site.

eg -

for 7Two-Wa you can put the below -

btw, the number is not used in your case - it is the foxtel channel number (unless you're viewing this channel in MP via your analog card you dont need to worry about it - you can put any number).
the description is a freetext description
the code is the code from the oztivo site
offset by is for someone who said they wanted to override the date time data in the xml for some reason.
enable should be obvious.


btw in your case, are you viewing your fta through foxtel, or are you viewing them as pure digital channels. if digital only, doesnt the digital stream provide the EPG as i mentioned before?? if you're viewing digital channels through foxtel then then you do need to worry about the channel numbers as above.


Portal Pro
November 8, 2011
Home Country
Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
Thanks for the guide chciken, looks like i have my work cut out for me but i;ll give it a go

In answer to your question, im viewing my FTA directly from the antenna (pure channels) not through foxtel and the reason why i'd like to use the oztivo guide data instead of the over the air guide is basically because the over the air guide is crap! Also i'd like season and episode numbers for shows which i believe oztivo can provide. Im currently using icetv for guide info but i'd like to do away with icetv


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  • July 25, 2005
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    Hi Chicken - Thanks so much for this amazing plugin!

    I'm having 2 niggling problems I can't seem to solve:

    1. I can't get the scheduler to increase the number of days from the default 2 day up to 7 days - I installed using the files from the 1.2.3 version and then overrode with the dll from the 1.2.3 version. I increase the number of days in the scheduler and hit save but every time I go back into the plugin it's back to 2 days (and it's only downloading 2 days.

    2. (this is really minor) I get a similar problem when I try and change the video source in the crossbar parameters.

    One other question while I'm at it - where does this plugin store the tvguide.xml file when it creates it? (I was looking for it to check if the schedule changes were working...)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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