Install and try Rage3D Tweak for your Radeon card.
Download here: http://www.rage3d.com/index.php?node=r3dtweak
You need to install the Custom Display Modes. In a new tab in the advanced display settings you can add the resolution 720x576@60Hz. This works nice for me.
By the way, I tested a ASUS GeForce V9520-X/TD (GeForce FX5200 GPU) with composite tv-out. The picture quality of the ASUS A9200 SE/T (Radeon 9200) is much better with my tv.
Install and try Rage3D Tweak for your Radeon card.
Download here: http://www.rage3d.com/index.php?node=r3dtweak
You need to install the Custom Display Modes. In a new tab in the advanced display settings you can add the resolution 720x576@60Hz. This works nice for me.
By the way, I tested a ASUS GeForce V9520-X/TD (GeForce FX5200 GPU) with composite tv-out. The picture quality of the ASUS A9200 SE/T (Radeon 9200) is much better with my tv.