Plugin for Spotify (2 Viewers)


New Member
January 16, 2010
Home Country
Norway Norway
Hi cmn!

Been testing your plugin, and it is truly excellent.

I have one feature request for the next release: Is it possible to get the plugin to play the next song in the spotify playlists when it's done playing one song.


Portal Member
April 11, 2010
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Alpha 2 released:
Browse spotymp Files on

Several tweaks and stability improvements, but nothing really new except for XFactor skin support.

hulkhaugen and peterbird: Sorry! I was not aware of that there was a windows version of libspotify. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll start migrating shortly.

StoneHardon: I apoligize if I'm misunderstanding your request, but the plugin works slightly different from the normal spotify client. Songs are always played from the play queue, never directly from a playlist. If you want to play all songs from a playlist you can either choose "Queue all" from the context menu, or "Set as current" from the main menu (set as current will clear the play queue before adding the songs, but is otherwise identical to queue all).

maxx_nantes and peterbird: Am I correct in assuming that what you are asking for is to be able to define your own music library, sort of like a playlist with albums and artists, and then use that for browsing MovingPictures style? Is there anything similar to this but for music already?

I'll start a real plugin thread soon, but for now I prefer to keep the bugs and lack of features in our little circle of friends.

Oh, and is there someone out there that wants to take over the skinning responsibility? :)


Portal Pro
November 9, 2008
Home Country
Norway Norway
I dunno about how other plugins handles the data, but you might get some ideas by looking at other projects such as SpotyXBMC - (Forum link) and Songler for Windows Media Center...

I think you have to show some basic results before getting help from some of the pro skinners in here, but i might be wrong. Would love to help if i could, but i think it's beyond my skills. Anyway, good luck and keep it up with the good work, this looks very promising :)


Portal Member
January 10, 2007
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
I have a premium account but when I try to log on I only get "non-existant user" - could this have something to do with me having the letter "ö" in my user name? Works fine with normal spotify client as well as iphone client. I have tried MP RC1 as well as MP RC2, help appreciated...


Portal Member
April 28, 2008
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Hi cmn!

Thanks for a great plugin, it looks very promising! :D

However, I have a few issues, after I log in to spotymp the plugin seem to get stuck at "play queue" and only after a couple of minutes am I able to goto the menu and change the playlist.

After I select playlist and "set as current" and start play, the music starts but it doesn't show that its playing. It uses to work in alpha 1 but not now in alpha 2, same with minidisplay showing current artist/song/trackinfo, it used to work in alpha 1 but in alpha 2 it just shows the randomized filename.

It would also be nice if the plugin stayed logged in and continued playing and show the "now playing" dialogue if I for example return to main menu (basic home) to read the news. Right now it stops the music when returning to basic home.

I am using x-factor skin and it's a great improvement skinwise from alpha 1 but I never see the "now playing" that you have in your screenshot?

Thanks for a great job! :D


Portal Member
April 11, 2010
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
It would be truly awesome if I could have bugs raised in the project issue tracker: spotymp: Bugs

I know that it's a bit of extra work, but it makes it much easier to keep track of things, and it also gives the possibility to attach the MediaPortal log file.

Froad: I've already raised a bug for the "ö" issue. I looked at it briefly and åäö get lost when they pass through #Spot. This would most likely be fixed by using libspotify instead, but you might need to wait a couple of weeks until I'm done with the migration. Sorry about that.

Two_edge: I made some changes to how the current song properties are being set to prepare for playing spotify music from the home screen :) Looks like it's not working quite as intended...

This sounds like a perfect occassion for attaching a log file to a bug report ;) Make sure that logging verbosity is set to "Debug" in the MediaPortal configuration.

MediaPortal.log is saved in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\log by default.


Portal Pro
October 5, 2009
It looks great. Just installed the latest version and it works just fine. It is really gonna be the ultimate plugin

Just 3 things :
-do we always have to log in to the app (I mean, I always am the same person when trying to listen to my music, so I would be more than happy to skip the authentification page :p)
-I have playlists that won't load. Didn't notice a link to the size (happens with small and large playlists), number of artists (happens with single-artist and multi-artist playlists)
-would it be possible to add a "selection" to play queue? (for example, when I start playing an album, I'd like it to play all the songs of when I start playing a playlist, I'd like to play all the songs contained in my playlist)

BTW, here is what I get in my log files when a playlist won't load :

2010-05-04 11:30:35.361785 [Debug][MPMain]: WindowManager: unroute to MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu:2012->SpotyMP.Plugin.GUISpotyMpPlaylist:8212183
2010-05-04 11:30:35.442790 [Debug][MPMain]: Browsing tracks...
2010-05-04 11:30:35.444790 [Info.][MPMain]: OnMessage exception:confused:ystem.FormatException: Le format de la chaîne d'entrée est incorrect.
à System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
à System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
à System.Byte.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
à System.Byte.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style)
à SharpSpotLib.Util.Hex.ToBytes(String hex)
à SharpSpotLib.SharpSpotConnection.BrowseTracks(List`1 ids)
à SpotyClient.API.SharpSpot.SharpSpotEntityManager.FetchCollection[T](ICollection collection)
à SpotyClient.Entities.Implementation.Playlist.Fetch()
à SpotyClient.Entities.Implementation.Playlist.GetEnumerator()
à SpotyMP.Plugin.GUISpotyMpPlaylist.OnUpdatePlaylist()
à SpotyMP.Plugin.GUISpotyMpPlaylist.ShowPlaylist(IPlaylist playlist)
à SpotyMP.Plugin.GUISpotyMpBase.OnShowPlaylists()
à SpotyMP.Plugin.GUISpotyMpBase.OnClicked(Int32 controlId, GUIControl control, ActionType actionType)
à SpotyMP.Plugin.GUISpotyMpPlaylist.OnClicked(Int32 controlId, GUIControl control, ActionType actionType)
à MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.OnMessage(GUIMessage message)


Portal Pro
February 14, 2008
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Quick question. Does this plugin require a premium account, or do I get some "reduced" functionality if I just use a basic account? :D

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