Plugin for Spotify (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 11, 2010
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Oh, that is strange.

If the visualization and duration counter is coming up the audio player is definetively picking up the track.

I've actually never used media portal myself beforing starting playing with this plugin, so I have everything at default settings which I think means I'm using the Bass audio player. Are you using another player by any chance?

The spotify client should not be started, quite the opposite in fact. Make sure that you are logged out from there before logging in from media portal.

Oh, I didn't see your screenshot. What is that? If I had such a slick user interface I wouldn't care about the lack of sound.


Portal Pro
October 5, 2009
I browsed through my audio settings, default are :
-BASS engine
-Default Sound Device

I'll try to listen to mp3 files to see if it works fine before drawing any conclusion


Portal Pro
October 5, 2009
works just fine :)
I'll be able to start beta testing (and posting real useful comments)

OK, 2 or 3 small remarks

one simple thing I'd like to be able to do would be the following :
-searching for an artist (and having a choice between artists with the same name)
-browsing through its albums
-for an album, choosing a track

Doing this, I came into 3 pbs :
-searching for an artist gives me answers for tracks/albums/artists (3 results) with the same name. Not a problem as it is Spotify's way of working
-selecting the artist, the albums are presented as a list (and not as thumbnails)
-browsing an album, tracks are presented as thumbnails (as I switched to thumbnails at step 2) and no longer display the songs titles

and displaying currently playing track, I don't have the name of the artist (just the title) and the length of the track

but don't worry, it's still hyper cool :)


Portal Member
November 15, 2006
I played with the alpha for a bit. It seems to work ok, no problems so far :)

What would be really useful to me would be an option to save the artist for later browsing in a list of artists. Ideal would of course be if we could mix spotify with our local database...a guy can dream ;) Great work so far!


Portal Member
April 28, 2008
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
maxx_nantes: about the screenshot you posted, are you using the x-factor skin? Did you modify the skinfiles to make it work with spotymp? If so, could you post the skinfiles? It looks really nice... :)


Portal Pro
October 5, 2009
maxx_nantes: about the screenshot you posted, are you using the x-factor skin? Did you modify the skinfiles to make it work with spotymp? If so, could you post the skinfiles? It looks really nice... :)

Hi, I didn't do anything yet. I'm not really a skinner but would be happy to work on it and share my results if I manage to do stg


Portal Member
January 13, 2007
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi Folks,

This looks like it has the potential to be the single greatest plugin for mediaportal yet! just opened up spotify in a long while and now cant remember why on earth i ever stopped using it - its great.

I have installed your alpha plugin to try and get it working in mediaportal but think I am doing something wrong.

- I have mediaportal RC1 installed.
- I have spotify version installed (latest and greatest)
- I am using the skin Amped and have it set to open window id 8212180 (spotymp.login.xml) under my spotify.

Heres what happens:
- the plugin is listed in the configuration listing - all good
- it is listed when i open MP and when i click it it opens up the login and i can log in.- all good
- it then shows my play queue window and i can pan left and open up the list of search, clear, playlist etc. - all good
- I can bring up the search keyboard but when i type an artist and hit enter it doesnt bring up any results - not so good.

Should i have spotify open in the background or not? ive tried different window id's. im away to temporarily try blue3wide but i dont think it fix it.

Any one got any ideas?

Many thanks in advance. and once again this plugin looks like it could really be awesome (I like my music)
- Amphed skin and set it to open My Spotify on window id 8212180 which is the sign in page.

1) im never very sure where to copy the license files from the rar so i just plaster them everywhere


Portal Member
April 28, 2008
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
maxx_nantes: about the screenshot you posted, are you using the x-factor skin? Did you modify the skinfiles to make it work with spotymp? If so, could you post the skinfiles? It looks really nice... :)

Hi, I didn't do anything yet. I'm not really a skinner but would be happy to work on it and share my results if I manage to do stg

Please do, I would really like to have that look on my mp-box. :D


Portal Member
April 11, 2010
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Thanks for the feedback!

Hopefully I should be able to put up a new alpha package within a couple of days.
In addition to various bugfixes and stability improvements this release will provide X-factor skin support (including fanart for the currently playing track).

I'm hoping to have both your issues resolved shortly.

As for mixing spotify music with the local library, yes, this is definetively in scope. Technically (at least on the spotymp side) this is possible to do already now. The songs are streamed through a local web server (i.e. appears to MediaPortal as web radio streams) and can be accessed from anywhere in MediaPortal (as long as the account is logged in of course). I'll try to implement this in a reliable way as soon as the the basic functionality is stable and working.

I'm afraid that defining custom entry points for skins is way above my media portal knowledge and I have no idea what the effect of such actions would be. I'll try to add some logging which could help in identifying your problem.

And as a reminder:
The normal Spotify client should NOT be started.
The plugin is not using the license files in any way, so they can safely be ignored.


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