I think the next step is for me to install it on my dev machine and make sure I've not broken anything during the merge.Okay, what is the next step? Sorry I am bit off track^^
I think the next step is for me to install it on my dev machine and make sure I've not broken anything during the merge.Okay, what is the next step? Sorry I am bit off track^^
AddScheduleDetailed -> Fixed!This: http://tinyurl.com/obe2jh2 should also fix the other issue I hope so^^
Here you will find all already downloaded channel logos: C:\Users\All Users\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Server\Logos\Tv-Modern-StreamedMP 16x9-max
Regarding the TV logos: when you use the fanart service URL, the service should download and process them automatically. This is not depending on the MP2 Client.
Another note: the cache folder quoted above depends on the logo theme. We currently use only one, but they can be extended.
My server has the channel logos and accepts the request from the clientBut i have another request. For whatever reason MP2 doesn't download channel logos for me.
Well it's not a very promising start. Importer gets stuck on the first video. Audio seems OK. Need to increase the debug levels and have another go.once you came to the conclusion that everything is okay
Nice!AddScheduleDetailed -> Fixed!
My fault, forgot to request the information from the DB Thought I already fixed itBut here's another one i think i have already mentioned earlier:
Program calls like "GetProgramDetailedById" or "GetProgramsDetailedForChannel" deliver "Genre":null
I do:Also it would be nice if you return 'false' instead of a stacktrace error for function calls like
CancelSchedule or DeleteSchedule if the id doesn't match a database entry.
public dynamic Process(IHttpRequest request)
HttpParam httpParam = request.Param;
string programId = httpParam["programId"].Value;
if (programId == null)
throw new BadRequestException("CancelSchedule: programId is null");
int programIdInt;
if (!int.TryParse(programId, out programIdInt))
throw new BadRequestException(string.Format("CancelSchedule: Couldn't parse programId to int: {0}", programId));
if (!ServiceRegistration.IsRegistered<ITvProvider>())
throw new BadRequestException("CancelSchedule: ITvProvider not found");
IProgramInfo programInfo = ServiceRegistration.Get<ITvProvider>() as IProgramInfo;
IScheduleControl scheduleControl = ServiceRegistration.Get<ITvProvider>() as IScheduleControl;
IProgram program;
programInfo.GetProgram(programIdInt, out program);
bool result = scheduleControl.RemoveScheduleForProgram(program, ScheduleRecordingType.Once); // TODO: not sure if ScheduleRecordingType is right
return new WebBoolResult { Result = result };
I guess the problem is programInfo.GetProgram. With a unknown id it cannot return anything and throws an error.Nice!
My fault, forgot to request the information from the DB Thought I already fixed it
I do:
I only throw the error if the id is null or couldn't be parsed. I will create a new build with the Genre fixCode:public dynamic Process(IHttpRequest request) { HttpParam httpParam = request.Param; string programId = httpParam["programId"].Value; if (programId == null) throw new BadRequestException("CancelSchedule: programId is null"); int programIdInt; if (!int.TryParse(programId, out programIdInt)) throw new BadRequestException(string.Format("CancelSchedule: Couldn't parse programId to int: {0}", programId)); if (!ServiceRegistration.IsRegistered<ITvProvider>()) throw new BadRequestException("CancelSchedule: ITvProvider not found"); IProgramInfo programInfo = ServiceRegistration.Get<ITvProvider>() as IProgramInfo; IScheduleControl scheduleControl = ServiceRegistration.Get<ITvProvider>() as IScheduleControl; IProgram program; programInfo.GetProgram(programIdInt, out program); bool result = scheduleControl.RemoveScheduleForProgram(program, ScheduleRecordingType.Once); // TODO: not sure if ScheduleRecordingType is right return new WebBoolResult { Result = result }; }
I've put the logos manually in the respective folder, but still cannot see them in the MP2 client. Any suggestions?Please remember what I've written above:
A correctly build url should automatically download and process channel logos from Server side and return it via the HTTP response. At least all german channels do have logos in the repository.
For the url take a look at https://github.com/MediaPortal/Medi...Service.Client/FanArtImageSource.cs#L212-L219.
Nice finding Right now I develop MP2Ext even if I only have like 10 min I try to fix something, so forgive me if some things slip through...I guess the problem is programInfo.GetProgram. With a unknown id it cannot return anything and throws an error.