[Plugin] MPSync - MediaPortal multi-seat Synchronization (5 Viewers)


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    ajs, you have movingpictures selected and the error seems to be coming from that. Reason why I asked you for the info!!!
    I do not understand how appears a database file movingpictures. I have tried to delete it. In the settings: synchronize all database.
    I did not choose it further. And before you install your plug-in, the file was not there.

    On Master:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <section name="Plugin">
    	<entry name="version"></entry>
    	<entry name="databases">True</entry>
    	<entry name="thumbs">True</entry>
    	<entry name="debug">False</entry>
    	<entry name="session ID">9a0611d7-53d0-40d1-8c08-386a164ad234</entry>
      <section name="DB Path">
    	<entry name="client">D:\Mediaportal\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database</entry>
    	<entry name="server">M:\Mediaportal\DB</entry>
    	<entry name="direction">1</entry>
    	<entry name="method">0</entry>
      <section name="DB Settings">
    	<entry name="sync periodicity">1</entry>
    	<entry name="sync periodicity value">minutes</entry>
    	<entry name="pause while playing">True</entry>
    	<entry name="watched">True</entry>
      <section name="Thumbs Path">
    	<entry name="client">D:\Mediaportal\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs</entry>
    	<entry name="server">M:\Mediaportal\Thumbs</entry>
    	<entry name="direction">1</entry>
    	<entry name="method">0</entry>
      <section name="Thumbs Settings">
    	<entry name="sync periodicity">15</entry>
    	<entry name="sync periodicity value">minutes</entry>
    	<entry name="pause while playing">True</entry>

     Directory of C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\Windows
    01.04.2013  19:51	<DIR>		  .
    01.04.2013  19:51	<DIR>		  ..
    26.02.2013  22:37			65 536 Dialogs.dll
    10.03.2011  14:50		  143 360 FlickrNet.dll
    03.03.2013  21:33		1 666 048 MP-TVSeries.dll
    08.08.2011  14:41		1 355 264 MP-TVSeries.pdb
    06.03.2013  00:29		  124 416 MPEIPlugin.dll
    24.03.2013  11:40			18 432 MusicInfoHandlerGUI.dll
    01.01.2013  14:36		2 048 000 mvCentral.dll
    16.02.2013  02:12	<DIR>		  OnlineVideos
    09.02.2013  13:13		  983 040 OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.dll
    10.03.2011  19:47			45 056 PicasaNet.dll
    11.12.2012  11:08			55 808 TitanSkinUpdater.dll
    03.03.2013  21:01		  681 472 TraktPlugin.dll
    26.02.2013  22:37		  446 464 TvPlugin.dll
    26.02.2013  22:37		  925 696 WindowPlugins.dll
    23.03.2013  20:30		  330 752 WorldWeather.Core.dll
    23.03.2013  20:26		  343 552 WorldWeatherLite.dll
    			  15 File(s)	  9 232 896 bytes
    			  3 Dir(s)  11 449 352 192 bytes free
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    ajs, you have movingpictures selected and the error seems to be coming from that. Reason why I asked you for the info!!!
    I do not understand how appears a database file movingpictures. I have tried to delete it. In the settings: synchronize all database.
    I did not choose it further. And before you install your plug-in, the file was not there.

    ajs, what MPSync plugin is doing is going through the databases it finds on the PC designated as source and lists them. If a database is not there, it is not being created by the plugin. In fact, it does not create any new databases, not even for itself. If movingpictures.db3 features in the list, it means that the database is there and one of the failure reasons could be that it is an old version. Can you select specific databases option, un-tick movingpictures.db3 and give it a try. If it works and you are not using MovingPictures plugin, you can delete then database.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    Can you select specific databases option, un-tick movingpictures.db3 and give it a try. If it works and you are not using MovingPictures plugin, you can delete then database.
    I tried to remove the checkmark from the database. The result is the same. I tried to delete a database anywhere. After rebooting the Master, it is presented again. I'll try again. But I think it will help.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    Can you select specific databases option, un-tick movingpictures.db3 and give it a try. If it works and you are not using MovingPictures plugin, you can delete then database.
    I tried to remove the checkmark from the database. The result is the same. I tried to delete a database anywhere. After rebooting the Master, it is presented again. I'll try again. But I think it will help.

    ajs, what I suggest is that you un-tick all databases and start adding them one by one so that we identify the one that is causing the issues.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    I turned off the MPSync plug on the master and the client. Deleted the MovingPictures database and there and there. Launched MP. It's okay MovingPictures database does not there. Deleted files MPSync.xml. Re-configured, the client and the master (in the lists of MovingPictures database was not). MP has launched on the master, the MovingPictures database appeared again.

    What to do?[DOUBLEPOST=1366444344][/DOUBLEPOST] S.JPG

    Why did you create me this database?

    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [INFO] MPSync: process plugin version initialisation with DEBUG.
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database movingpictures.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database movingpictures.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Dropping triggers in database movingpictures.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database MusicDatabaseV12.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:26 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database MusicDatabaseV12.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:26 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Dropping triggers in database MusicDatabaseV12.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:26 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database TVSeriesDatabase4.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:27 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database TVSeriesDatabase4.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:27 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Dropping triggers in database TVSeriesDatabase4.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:27 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:27 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:28 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Dropping triggers in database VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:28 - [INFO] MPSync: DB - D:\Mediaportal\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database\ --> M:\Mediaportal\DB\


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    Add a test before creating triggers on the availability of a database, and if possible remove the entry of such a large amount of information in a log file with the level of Info (MPSync & MPCleaner).
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    January 8, 2012
    Hi m3cury,

    Thanks for your reply!

    CGT said:

    first of all thank you for programming this PlugIn!

    I am afraid I might have an issue though:

    I used MPsync to copy the Master's database to a drive in the network. It worked fine but maybe I should mention that the network drive happens to be a drive of the Master HTPC.

    Next I actually forgot to switch the client HTPC sync direction and started the sync (with syncing direction towards network drive). I don't know if I overwrote the files on the network drive but later I realized my mistake and started the sync from the master again. Then I tried to sync from the network drive to the client with direction from network drive to client but received an error message. I used the files in the network to override the client's database manually and now I have the data I want but starting the sync still gives me this (attachment).

    Do you know how to solve this? Thank you!​
    CGT, just for me to understand, the failure is happening on the client (not master) where you are synching from server to client. Server referring to a folder on the main HTPC does not make a difference. To understand better, let me try and explain what I understood.

    Master (HTPC A) -> Server (Folder on HTPC A)
    Client (HTPC B) <- Server (Folder on HTPC A)

    You encounter issues when running plugin on HTPC B. Correct?
    Yep, you got it right! Sorry if my description was confusing! I thought it might be important to describe what I did so far as well...


    Portal Pro
    December 28, 2006
    Home Country
    Spain Spain
    Hi m3rcury,
    just a question that maybe be stupid (or answered in any other side). Being a process plugin, it should run while MePo is running, right? But at startup, later, or when?

    In my installation it seems to work, but I have to use the manual update...... maybe I have to invest more time to investigate.

    BTW, very interesting plugin to cover what in my opinion is a big hole in MePo 1, hopefully it will be solved in MePo 2 with a true media server, not only a tvserver, but until then, your plugin is a must.



    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    I turned off the MPSync plug on the master and the client. Deleted the MovingPictures database and there and there. Launched MP. It's okay MovingPictures database does not there. Deleted files MPSync.xml. Re-configured, the client and the master (in the lists of MovingPictures database was not). MP has launched on the master, the MovingPictures database appeared again.

    What to do?[DOUBLEPOST=1366444344][/DOUBLEPOST]View attachment 126697

    Why did you create me this database?

    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [INFO] MPSync: process plugin version initialisation with DEBUG.
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database movingpictures.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database movingpictures.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Dropping triggers in database movingpictures.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database MusicDatabaseV12.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:26 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database MusicDatabaseV12.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:26 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Dropping triggers in database MusicDatabaseV12.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:26 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database TVSeriesDatabase4.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:27 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database TVSeriesDatabase4.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:27 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Dropping triggers in database TVSeriesDatabase4.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:27 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:27 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:28 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Dropping triggers in database VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:28 - [INFO] MPSync: DB - D:\Mediaportal\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database\ --> M:\Mediaportal\DB\

    ajs, I already told you that the plugin is not creating any database, so please at least understand that. If you do not want to use/synch movingpictures.db3, just un-tick it, no big deal as MPSync caters for that.

    From attached logs, I don't see any error with MPSync as it is doing its job!


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    Hi m3rcury,
    just a question that maybe be stupid (or answered in any other side). Being a process plugin, it should run while MePo is running, right? But at startup, later, or when?

    In my installation it seems to work, but I have to use the manual update...... maybe I have to invest more time to investigate.

    BTW, very interesting plugin to cover what in my opinion is a big hole in MePo 1, hopefully it will be solved in MePo 2 with a true media server, not only a tvserver, but until then, your plugin is a must.


    lulsam, MPSync plugins will start executing immediately and thereafter depending on the value you set up in the Advanced Settings tab.

    What you can do to check if plugin is working correctly, delete the mpsync.log, check that in MediaPortal Configuration, MPSync is enabled and launch MediaPortal. After a couple of seconds, you can check that mpsync.log has been created and it contains activity.

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