[Plugin] MPSync - MediaPortal multi-seat Synchronization (5 Viewers)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    Hi m3cury,

    Thanks for your reply!

    Yep, you got it right! Sorry if my description was confusing! I thought it might be important to describe what I did so far as well...

    CGT, can you confirm that if you are using MovingPictures and TVSeries, you versions meet the pre-requisites as stated in post #1. If this is not the case, can I suggest that from the Advanced Settings tab, you select Specific databases, un-tick all and start adding one by one, every time testing the manual synchronization (to avoid launching MediaPortal every time). As soon as you encounter the error, please give me the last database name added and if possible, attach it to a post, for me to investigate.



    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    In the attach a post #205 shows that I do not have a movingpictures.db3 database. But when MP start be carrying out an action that creates the database.
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database movingpictures.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database movingpictures.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Dropping triggers in database movingpictures.db3
    I want to sync all of the databases that will be in this directory, but do not choose what to sync each time and what is not when you install a new plug.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    In the attach a post #205 shows that I do not have a movingpictures.db3 database. But when MP start be carrying out an action that creates the database.
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database movingpictures.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database movingpictures.db3
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Dropping triggers in database movingpictures.db3
    I want to sync all of the databases that will be in this directory, but do not choose what to sync each time and what is not when you install a new plug.

    ajs, as I repeatedly said, MPSync is not creating any database. It is creating a table in movingpictures.db3 because it found it there. I suggested you do specific databases in order to try an isolate which database is causing you issues. Now, if you don't help me on this, I cannot help you! Once we identify if you have a database causing issues, if any, we can see how to solve and then you can freely select All Databases in MPSync settings.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    As a plug-in can find what is not? I completely remove the plugin settings, delete the database. Re-tune plugin. If the plug is switched off then the database does not is presented. As soon as I turn on the plug-in log file and there are lines:
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database movingpictures.db3
    appears database and the problems begin. And you say that the plugin does not create anything. But it is not. I tested it many times and the result is always the same.

    Where is the movingpictures.db3 database?

    It is creating a table in movingpictures.db3 because it found it there

    How can he find what is not? How can I prove to you that the file is not physically on the disk? It was only after the launch of the plugin it is presented?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    As a plug-in can find what is not? I completely remove the plugin settings, delete the database. Re-tune plugin. If the plug is switched off then the database does not is presented. As soon as I turn on the plug-in log file and there are lines:
    20.04.2013 10:47:25 - [DEBUG] MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database movingpictures.db3
    appears database and the problems begin. And you say that the plugin does not create anything. But it is not. I tested it many times and the result is always the same.

    Where is the movingpictures.db3 database?

    It is creating a table in movingpictures.db3 because it found it there

    How can he find what is not? How can I prove to you that the file is not physically on the disk? It was only after the launch of the plugin it is presented?

    ajs, I think I know what I coded in the plugin and THERE IS NO DATABASE CREATION! If you do not want to believe that, I'm sorry to say, it is your problem.

    Can you confirm if the movingpictures.db3 is being created after you launch MediaPortal?
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    Can you confirm if the movingpictures.db3 is being created after you launch MediaPortal?
    If the plug is switched off then the database is not created, if it is created to include in the first run.

    I do not know why. The list of databases is not movingpictures.db3, the disk either. But it creates the appearance of the above lines in the log file.[DOUBLEPOST=1366488963][/DOUBLEPOST]Can you specifically create the database, but to create a table (or attempt to create) leads to the creation of this database?

    MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database movingpictures.db3


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    Can you confirm if the movingpictures.db3 is being created after you launch MediaPortal?
    If the plug is switched off then the database is not created, if it is created to include in the first run.

    I do not know why. The list of databases is not movingpictures.db3, the disk either. But it creates the appearance of the above lines in the log file.[DOUBLEPOST=1366488963][/DOUBLEPOST]Can you specifically create the database, but to create a table (or attempt to create) leads to the creation of this database?

    MPSync: Creating work table mpsync in database movingpictures.db3

    ajs, let me add some new code to cater for incompatible databases to try and circumvent the issue you are encountering. Will upload asap.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    Thank you so much, I'll be looking forward to ...


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    MPSync v1.0.0.4 has just been released. This version caters for issues reported above by ajs regarding incompatible databases.

    You can download from link in post #1.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    Upgrade, run, the database does not appear. Thank you. I will check on ...

    How about reducing the amount of information recorded in Mediaportal.log?[DOUBLEPOST=1366539495][/DOUBLEPOST]It's not scary?

    2013-04-21 13:12:25.875000 [Info.][(40)]: MPSync: Error adding record to table tracks in database M:\Mediaportal\DB\MusicDatabaseV12.db3 with exception: SQLite error
    no such column: р2

    20.04.2013 00:21:16 - [INFO] MPSync: synchronization of mvCentral.db3 database completed.
    20.04.2013 00:21:16 - [ERROR] MPSync: Error reading data from table movieinfo in database VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    20.04.2013 00:21:16 - [INFO] MPSync: synchronization of table movieinfo in database M:\Mediaportal\DB\VideoDatabaseV5.db3 in progress...

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