Upgrade, run, the database does not appear. Thank you. I will check on ...
How about reducing the amount of information recorded in Mediaportal.log?
There were errors in synchronization, not all the data in movies and TV series were synchronized. Did it all over again, I'll watch. Errors in the log file like no.
Thanks ...ajs, reduction of entries in MediaPortal.log will be looked into at the next release.
Ok! in PM.ajs, can you upload your movies and TV Series databases so that I can see why there are failures.
CGT, can you confirm that if you are using MovingPictures and TVSeries, you versions meet the pre-requisites as stated in post #1. If this is not the case, can I suggest that from the Advanced Settings tab, you select Specific databases, un-tick all and start adding one by one, every time testing the manual synchronization (to avoid launching MediaPortal every time). As soon as you encounter the error, please give me the last database name added and if possible, attach it to a post, for me to investigate.
I was just curious if you know of a way to somehow automate the sync process? Like set up some sort of time that the master will dump to the server and the clients will retrieve? It would be awesome to be able to "set it and forget it". Thanks for a GREAT plugin!
yes... something where I would not have to manually sync the master to the server or manually sync the server to the clients.
IE: Nightly job at 1AM to sync my master to the server and at 2AM every night sync the server to my client boxes.