Just for information, and I dont want to influence anyone's decision on what X10 devices to purchase, but the plugin I have been working on is for the CM15A controller (I purchased from here -> ActiveHome Pro USB Transceiver and Software SW31A and CM15A - X10). The reason I went with the CM15A was simply because it supports all house codes (up to 256 devices.) Im not sure if the plugin will work with other serial controllers as I do not have one to test with...
Does this mean that your plugin won't be compatible with this (CM11 Programmable Computer Interface)?
Anyway, thank you for all your work and tell us the progess you get with the plugin
Does this mean that your plugin won't be compatible with this (CM11 Programmable Computer Interface)?
Anyway, thank you for all your work and tell us the progess you get with the plugin
Hmmm, that is a good question. Since it has a USB interface, it may well work. We will see soon enough
Hi WileECoyote,
I look forward to your work on a more powerfull X10 plugin. I currently use this plugin by ronsonol MEDIAPORTAL - free media center - X10 CM15A for SVN
I've been using it for the last 12 months. Basic, but works very well. Although it doesn't seem to have been updated for ages, i've been using with my CM15 since RC4 on XP and still using now with 1.1 Alpha on 64bit Windows7 with no problems.
Just wondered if you'd seen it and if it could help.
Does this mean that your plugin won't be compatible with this (CM11 Programmable Computer Interface)?
Soooo... Now what I need from the community is this...
1. Define the events you want to see on the client side (When MP Opens & Closes, when movie starts, etc...)
2. Outline the devices you will be using (Light switches, recepticles, light modules, thermostat, etc...)
3. Which skins are you using? (The first version will probably be compatible with StreamedMP, Blue2 & Blue2wide.)
Wile E.
Wile E.
1. Define the events you want to see on the client side (When MP Opens & Closes, when movie starts, etc...)
2. Outline the devices you will be using (Light switches, recepticles, light modules, thermostat, etc...)
3. Which skins are you using? (The first version will probably be compatible with StreamedMP, Blue2 & Blue2wide.)
Hey bodiroga,
From the research I have been doing, the ActiveHome software works with the CM11 correct? If so, and since I am using the ActiveHome SDK, should probably work with your CM11. If you are interested send me a PM with your email address and I will send you a trial when I have it to a good point...