I'm having trouble getting the right settings for my Nova-T 500.
After waking from standby, the tuner isn't available until after I stop and restart TVService. I've set the Delay for TV Card Detection to 20s and tried the PS++ "Reinitalise TV controller on wakeup" option but that didn't work, so now I'm trying "Run Command on System Power State change"instead, with it set to run the following batch file. This isn't doing anything though, neither shutting down MP before standby or restarting TVService after wake.
Code:if "%1" == "suspend" goto OnSuspend if "%1" == "wakeup" goto OnWakeUp goto Done :OnSuspend taskkill /IM “MediaPortal.exe” /F goto Done :OnWakeUp taskkill /IM “TVService.exe” /F net start TVService goto Done :Done
I got this card working previously, presumably with this batch but it's been a while since I used it so I'm not sure exactly what I had to do.
Thinking about it, I believe I had to use MPStandby Handler before and never got the PS++ "Run command on" option to work then either.
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