mama: You're right, for that only hibernation via the off button would be a suitable solution.
fred: Okay, something funny. I checked the logs. According to the log, MP wakes my system up at the correct time and starts recording after my system went to suspend to ram mode (S3). It actually doesn't wake the system up, just the RAM is still alive so I guess MP "thinks" it's still alive. I see a log entry at the correct time, but nothing happens. When I then restart the system by hand, it starts recording.
When I do it with hibernation (save to disk, no ram is alive), your plugin wakes the computer up right on time. Now, I like hibernation because it doesn't use that much power, but I would like to have the choice... Any idea why my system is so freaky? Has anyone else tried it with Suspend to Ram?
fred: Okay, something funny. I checked the logs. According to the log, MP wakes my system up at the correct time and starts recording after my system went to suspend to ram mode (S3). It actually doesn't wake the system up, just the RAM is still alive so I guess MP "thinks" it's still alive. I see a log entry at the correct time, but nothing happens. When I then restart the system by hand, it starts recording.
When I do it with hibernation (save to disk, no ram is alive), your plugin wakes the computer up right on time. Now, I like hibernation because it doesn't use that much power, but I would like to have the choice... Any idea why my system is so freaky? Has anyone else tried it with Suspend to Ram?