Prefer AC3 audio sporadically fails (1 Viewer)


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  • October 4, 2006
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    try the attached files.

    Now the audio context menu should always reflect the actual audio track.
    Also, now MP tells tsreader what audio track it wants and not through the use of registry.

    It goes something like this

    1) MP tunes channel.
    2) MP waits for tsreader to callback when it is ready with audio track info, like nr of tracks etc.
    3) MP callback event is running, TSreader is queried about nr of channels, type of audio, language.
    4) This info is now processed by MP. A audio index is chosen.
    5) MP informs tsreader of this audioindex (previously using registry).
    6) tsreader changes audio ..viola.

    also, vlcplayer and spdif over ac3 never did work for dont expect this to work.



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  • July 31, 2006
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    Hi gibman,

    the new approach works quite good! :p

    Here are the details:
    1. Cyberlink video decoder, DScaler audio decoder and Default DirectWave Device as audio renderer
    --> This combination now works almost perfectly. Switching between channels with one AC3 2.0 audio track and channels with MPEG-2 only audio tracks (and vice versa) works as expected now.
    What I noticed is that sometimes, when tuning a channel that has two MPEG-2 and one AC3 2.0 audio track, first the MPEG-2 audio is played for a seconds and then it is switched to AC3. This is a minor issue though but might effect other audio decoders, as I will describe below.
    Please see log ""

    2. Cyberlink video decoder, Cyberlink audio decoder and Default DirectSound Device as audio renderer
    --> This configuration now started to work again. However, after a few channel changes I run into a "no audio" condition. That means video was there but no audio at all. I assume that this might have something to do with the observation that I made with Dscaler audio decoder (first MPEG-2 is played and shortly afterwards AC3). I could imagine that the Cyberlink audio decoder cannot handle this quick switch...
    Please see log "02_MediaPortalLogs_no audio with". The problem occured when switching to "ProSieben". I then tried another channel change to "kabel eins" (last channel change in log) but this did not fix the no audio problem.I then stopped TV and saved the logs.

    3. DVB-S Radio is still not working at all, independent of codec settings!
    The channel "Bayern 3" (radio channel) is tuned and a small balck window is shown as expected (there is no video). However, there is no audio at all.
    Please see log ""

    Regarding the MPEG-2 audio glitch, maybe you discuss that with tourettes and gemx. My feeling is that there might be a change in the processing order required. It seems that TsReader first seeks and then AC3 is selected. Should it not the other way around?

    Great work so far gibman! :D


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 4, 2006
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    Denmark Denmark
    When u stumble upon a channel with no audio try this;

    1) change audio to something else and then back in the audio selection menu (F9)
    2) if above still doesnt work try graphedit and/or start vlcplayer on the TS file and see what it does.

    Audio track 0 (the first one) is now always selected initially when tuning a channel.
    This is done in

    Now, if tsreader detects more than one audio track present, it issues a callback event in MP/tvplugin.
    It simply requests that MP decides on what audiotrack to use.

    Now MP decides on the audiotrack and issues a command to tsreader telling it to change audiotrack.
    MP cant query the audio details from tsreader before tsreader reports back telling MP that it is ready.
    If MP does this too early i gets 0 audio tracks.

    So the small change in audio format is "normal" right now.

    The most optimal thing would be to have the filter do the actual auto selection of audio, this way we avoid the change from "track 0" to "track x".
    But I prefer having that logic present in c# code for easier maintenance etc.

    Maybe I can avoid having any kind of audio track initially instead of track 0. This would eliminate the audible change of audio.

    I havent looked at dvb radio (I never did get it working..maybe gemx will have a look at it).



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  • July 31, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    Hi gibman,

    after I have restarted the PC, the "no audio" condition with Cyberlink is not reproducible (at least within approx. 40 channel changes)... :confused:

    What I have noticed though is that sometimes it takes much longer until the audio is played (approx. 5 seconds!). Please find attached a log, where the last channel change from "Das Erste" (AC3 was active) to "ZDF" (has MPEG-2 and AC3) took very long. Surprisingly, the log looks totally different for this (and some other) channel change. The audio stream debug output in MediaPortal.log is missing...

    Any idea why?

    Are you commiting your changes to SVN now? I think this will fix a lot of other problem that are currently reported as well.

    Thanks a lot for your great work! :D :D :D


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  • October 4, 2006
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    I'll submit the changes 2nite :)

    Could u try another codec than cyberlink audio decoder, since this one has been known to cause trouble in MP.
    I just conversed with some of the teammembers on the matter.



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  • July 31, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    Hi gibman,

    ok, here are further test results:

    - Video decoder: MPV
    - Audio decoder: MPA
    - Audio Renderer: Default DirectSound Device
    Result: Works good from an audio perspective. However, I recognized that the picture is always streched to 16:9 even though the zoom mode is set to "normal". Also picture quality is no very good...

    - Video decoder: MPV
    - Audio decoder: ffdshow
    - Audio Renderer: Default DirectSound Device
    Result: Same as #1. Works good from an audio perspective. However, I recognized that the picture is always streched to 16:9 even though the zoom mode is set to "normal". Also picture quality is no very good...

    - Video decoder: Dscaler MPEG2 video decoder
    - Audio decoder: Dscaler
    - Audio Renderer: Default DirectSound Device
    Result: Worked good the first channel changes but then it hangs. That menas the video freezes and there is no audio at all. Changing the audio track manually via the audio menu does not recover MP. Changing to another channel is not possible any more. I have to stop TV and restart it. VLC can open the TS file but shows only a funny picture (green colors and many squares jumping around...). This happned 3 times after approx. 10 channel changes.
    Logs attached.

    4. As already mentioned: Cyberlink video decoder works quite well with Cyberlink audio decoder and Dscaler audio decoder

    I cannot test more because I do not have more codecs installed, and there is a reason for that :D


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 4, 2006
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    Denmark Denmark
    check next SVN for the update.
    I dont know if the changelog is back from dead ?
    Last time it didnt work.


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