problem with various artist albums & a feature request! (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 21, 2005
Melb, Aus
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hwahrmann said:
Searched a bit meanwhile and saw that other systems using the TPE2 frame of id3 v2, that is the "Band" frame.

And i like MrMarios idea

band is sometimes used instead of album artist. same as "albumartist". i really think this is the way to go... it's could still be an optional thing, as in, if no albumartist tag is present it works out the album artist based on mrmario64's idea.
album artist is just such a powerful tool in organizing music collections - and i hate to think that mce is ahead of mp in any way!! :p


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  • August 10, 2004
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    MrMario64 said:
    The problem with automated systems is that there r always exeptions to the rules.
    How do we handle these exeptions?
    Tags we cannot use as there r too many differences in tagging systems like id3 v1, v2, m4a m4p etc...

    We could make an option called
    "treat as 1 album when in same folder"

    I think this is a sweet spot that will help most.
    Basically when you put the songs in 1 folder on your HD this option will treat it as 1 album.

    What do you think?

    Good idea. Gets my vote to :)


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  • April 22, 2004
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    Good to see you allready went down this road.
    I think this problem has to be adressed before .2 release.
    It is now a bigger problem then before cause of the bug #20 fix.

    However, it is ofcourse not my call to make.

    I am sure that if you talk to the dev team that they will agree that this is a sideeffect of a bugfix that needs to be fixed. The way how this is fixed I will leave up to you, I think we agree on whats best.

    Hope talking to you on irc sometime :)


    Portal Pro
    March 21, 2005
    Melb, Aus
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    i've been thinking about this overnight and i think this might be the best solution, it's a mix between both suggestions we've had so far:

    when scanning, for each track -
    - get album name tag, artist tag, check if any of "album artist", "albumartist" or "band " tags exist

    - if albumartist tag exists:
    - check if an album already exists in the database with same album name and album artist, if so, assign track to this album. if not, insert a new album in the database with idArtist corresponding to artist listed in albumartist tag

    - if no albumartist tag exists:
    - use the same way of adding albums as currently exists, but with mrmario's idea of grouping all tracks in the same folder into one album

    that way, if people have their tracks labelled with albumartist tags mp will use them, but if not they still can get correctly handled :D it'd be a really friendly and powerful system - no changes would have to be made to anyone's music collection, but if they want the extra flexibility of retagging with albumartist they can do that!!


    Portal Member
    November 8, 2006
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    England England
    Sorry to jump on your thread, but I just posted a similar request, and typically I stumbled over your thread immediately after posting it!

    Anyway, a couple of questions:
    1) I've got the option of one album in one folder ticked in MP, but is there any way I can now get my artists view to display the equivalent of Album Artist rather than track artist? My album list if too cluttered with one off artists to make it a useful way of navigating, where as my album artist view is much more useful

    2) (apologies for off topic) How do you get this to work in MCE? I was unable to get MCE to display by album artist at all. Ie, what I want to do is to view by album artists so that I am only presented with a list of artists I've bought albums for, and a single additional artist for the rest, named "Various Artists". I'd then navigate to an artist or to various artists, and be presented with a list of albums.



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  • April 15, 2007
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    Sorry to jump on your thread, but I just posted a similar request, and typically I stumbled over your thread immediately after posting it!

    Anyway, a couple of questions:
    1) I've got the option of one album in one folder ticked in MP, but is there any way I can now get my artists view to display the equivalent of Album Artist rather than track artist? My album list if too cluttered with one off artists to make it a useful way of navigating, where as my album artist view is much more useful

    2) (apologies for off topic) How do you get this to work in MCE? I was unable to get MCE to display by album artist at all. Ie, what I want to do is to view by album artists so that I am only presented with a list of artists I've bought albums for, and a single additional artist for the rest, named "Various Artists". I'd then navigate to an artist or to various artists, and be presented with a list of albums.


    Don't know the answer to (1), but I get the impression that Album Artist (%BAND%) isn't yet supported in MP

    2) Most MP3s aren't tagged for Album Artist. You can fix this by editing the tags in WMP, or in an external program, like MP3tag, Tag&Rename or Album Art Fixer.
    Changes made in WMP or Album Art Fixer should take effect immediately, as long as you are logged into the same account which runs Windows MediaCenter. If you use something like MP3tag or Tag&Rename, you will have to rescan the files in WMP or MCE for the new tags to be recognized. You can probably find tons more info about this on


    Portal Member
    January 7, 2007
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    England England
    Is there any way to solve this in MP yet?
    I've just stumbled across the database feature which nearly solves all my problems of having music in several folders, however in my custom Album view (Albums, Track) I get a lot of album icons for albums with various artists as shown in the first post screenshot and would love a way around this.


    Documentation Group
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  • April 15, 2007
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    Switzerland Switzerland
    Is there any way to solve this in MP yet?
    I've just stumbled across the database feature which nearly solves all my problems of having music in several folders, however in my custom Album view (Albums, Track) I get a lot of album icons for albums with various artists as shown in the first post screenshot and would love a way around this.

    My album list only shows compilations once. IIRC, I had to delete my database, then go into the setup dialog for the database scan, select a checkbox there with "Various Artists" in the caption and then rescan my music files.


    Portal Member
    January 7, 2007
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    England England
    Ah, brilliant thanks rsbrux. I had just rescanned, not deleted the database first. Deleting it first sorted it. Yay, well pleased now.


    Portal Member
    August 9, 2007
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    Belgium Belgium
    I also tried this but it doesn't work. I keep getting different albums. I just startede working with MP. Can anyone please tell me step by step what I have to do to get one album, even when it has various artists. Thanks

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