I have the following grabber
The Z tag in the template does not work. The html for the description is sometimes preceeded by season/episode/subtitle information. I thought I could capture this information using a Z tag as this information is always in the same format and enclosed in single quotes, for example:
'S1/E1 - Part I'. description starts from here
But WebEPG is always including the season/episode/subtitle information in the description. What am I doing wrong?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Info availableDays="7" timezone="South Africa Standard Time" version="2.0"/>
<Channel id="mneteast@mnetafrica.com" siteId="229"/>
<Channel id="mm1@mnet.co.za" siteId="225"/>
<Listing type="Html">
<Site url="http://beta.mnetafrica.com/Schedule.aspx?channel=[ID]&days=1" post="" external="false" encoding=""/>
<Template name="default" start="<table cellspacing="0" border="0" id="ctl00_body_ctl00_dg1" style="border-collapse:collapse;">" end="</table>">
<SectionTemplate tags="TS">
<td class="txt_time" style="width:60px;"><#START></td><td class="txt_descrip" valign="top" style="height:40px;width:690px;"><span class=txt_showTitle><#TITLE></span><br/><z(>'S<#SEASON>/E<#EPISODE> - <#SUBTITLE>'. </z)?><#DESCRIPTION></td><td title="Age Restriction" class="link_rating" style="width:43px;"><a href=# onclick=OpenAgeRestriction(1);return false; class=link_rating> PG/13 </a></td>
'S1/E1 - Part I'. description starts from here
But WebEPG is always including the season/episode/subtitle information in the description. What am I doing wrong?