Problems setting up IIS Version (1 Viewer)


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  • January 1, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    Hi folks,

    I have a massive setup problem with WebMediaPortal IIS edition. I am trying to install a .5 test version, but I guess, my problem is not related to this version being a test version (see below).

    I am running a server/client MediaPortal scenario, all the described problems are happening on the server.
    The server is running Windows Home Server 2011 with all updates available installed. MediaPortal is installed as TV server only.
    IIS is preconfigured to host the standard WHS2011 web site, which it does without problems.

    So, here's what I did:
    1. Installed Service.msi, no problems so far
    2. .Net Framwork V4 already installed
    3. Installed ASPNet MVC 3 Tools
    4. Run "WebMediaPortal IIS Edition.msi", installs fine
    5. I did NOT "Give the user the application pool runs as write permissions to C:\Windows\Temp. This is done through the group IIS_IUSRS. (This won't be needed with 0.5.0 anymore)." as it says it is not needed with 0.5 anymor
    6. Startet IIS Management Console
    7. Goto Application Pools, ASP.NET v4.0, enable 32 bit applications in advanced settings, managed pipeline pool already set to integrated


    8. Click on "sites", "add web site"
    9. Configure as displayed on screenshot (do not assign Hostname or IP, set port to http 8080 (80 already taken by standard web site)


    10. Trying to access the website (from the IIS console) will result in a 403, so i tried to install this hotfix, but it says it is not valid for my system (took the Windows Server 2008 R2 release, as there is no WHS2011 release...).
    (edit: just seen that the incorrect application pool was selected in the screenshot, if i select the correct one, i wil get a http 500 error).

    When I open the www directory in Windows epxlorer and double click the "global.asax" I will get this error: "Invalid license data. Reinstallation required". I googled for this error, but all solutions refer to several different Redistributables and various other editions of C#, Visual Basic etc. I have no idea what I can do, I tried some things and f*cked up several other services (basically, I uninstalled the isolated VSS 2010 and installed the 2012 isolated shell version, this renderes some backup services and MEdia Portal TV server out of order, so I went back by restoring a server backup to start from the beginning).

    Below is attached a screenshot of the error message and a larger screenshot of the installed runtimes.

    Can anyone help me to get this running?



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  • August 29, 2009
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    (edit: just seen that the incorrect application pool was selected in the screenshot, if i select the correct one, i wil get a http 500 error).
    It'd be useful if you could post your WebMediaPortal.log; as this seems to indicate a bug in WebMP.

    When I open the www directory in Windows epxlorer and double click the "global.asax" I will get this error: "Invalid license data. Reinstallation required". I googled for this error, but all solutions refer to several different Redistributables and various other editions of C#, Visual Basic etc. I have no idea what I can do, I tried some things and f*cked up several other services (basically, I uninstalled the isolated VSS 2010 and installed the 2012 isolated shell version, this renderes some backup services and MEdia Portal TV server out of order, so I went back by restoring a server backup to start from the beginning).
    Opening the global.asax file in Windows Explorer isn't needed and doesn't make any sense. You probably got some random errors from the program which is associated with .asax files, but that's probably unrelated to your problems with IIS.


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  • January 1, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    Thank you, Oxan. I attach my logs from the servers c:\programdata\mpextended\logs directory to this posting.
    Opening the global.asax in windows explorer was done accidentally the first time, I just wondered about the error I got there and googled for it and thought, it might be a problem not related to MPE at all but to a broken installation, thus rendering any applications that rely on it unusable... I'm still not quite sure about that, and if you google for it, you find many users complaining about similar problems, but very different solutions. Unfortunately, I do not have much time at this very moment to try things out extensively.
    There are no warning or errors related to the IIS in my system logs.
    I appreciate your help :)


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  • January 1, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    Sooo, back again with my problems.
    Now that 0.5.1 is out, I really want to use it. I had been running 0.4.2 some time ago, but then did a fresh server setup and was waiting for 0.5 all the time. Ans I cannot get it to work and I am out of ideas.
    The machine runs a Windows Home Server 2011 OS.
    I uninstalled the 0.5-Test Version of WMP and der Service as well as ASP Net MVC and did a complete step-by-step fresh installation of ASP Net MVC 3, MPExtended and WMP. I added it as an application to the IIS Standard web site and followed the installation guide very precisely. And all I get is a HTTP500, no matter what I do.
    Here are all my Log Files, I'd really appreciate your help!


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2009
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    While WebMediaPortal fails to connect to the service due to a permission problem (are they running under different users?), that shouldn't cause an HTTP 500 error. There's nothing in your logs about what exactly does cause it though... Is there any information on the HTTP 500 page or is it just a blank page? Also, could you try to stop IIS after getting the HTTP500 and upload your WebMediaPortal.log again; it might take some time for the error to get to the log.

    And which IIS version are you using?


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  • January 1, 2012
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    Thank you for your support again. WMP will throw the same log entries when accessing the web page (unsuccessfully) and stopping the service afterwards. I really have no idea what is doing this. The HTTP 500 is just a blank page (internal server error), no further information. IIS Version 7
    I think I will do a complete reinstallation of the server if I don't get this one sorted out....
    I have not specifically set the application to run as a different userm it's set to poass through auth.
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    Portal Pro
    March 24, 2005
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    I believe I needed to enable forms authentication for the new site
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    Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2009
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    Is the HTTP 500 really a blank page, or do you get the "Internal Server Error" message from your browser? In the second case, please disable friendly error messages (or something like that) and find out the real error message from IIS/WebMP is.


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  • January 1, 2012
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    Tracked it down. Wow, this one really cost my nerves. The problem is a mixup of 32 and 64 bit applications on the same IIS while running a Windows Server Update Services Site on that machine. The problem is, that WSUS installs a globally registered dynamic compression library called suscomp.dll which is not compatible with 32bit applications (it is used to compress updates before streaming them to the clients). Therefor, 32bit applpication calls cause a HTTP500 internal server error linked to the DynamicCompressionModule as they will search for the 32bit version of the .dll (in %windir%/SYSWOW64/inetsrv). But that version is not installed with WSUS. *sigh*.
    So, what you simply need to do to get things up and running:

    Method 1) Simply find yourself a 32-bit suscomp.dll (it can be extracted from some freely availabl Microsoft install packages) and copy it to that directory mentioned above. Done.

    Method 2) Disable the compression scheme by typing
    %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/httpCompression /-[name='xpress']
    (this disables the compression scheme for the whole server, it cannot be done on specific sites only)

    This one was _really_ annoying! Hope my solution will help someone else!

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