great work, but i have a little bit critique.
for e.g the tv channel list, if you double click with your mouse its just to small for my 16:9 screen.
also, the city of the weatherplugin at the basic screen isn't readable. but this isn`t necessary.
the hover navigation at the top of the screen. i don´t know how i should name it, but the backround of it should be a continuous line.
sorry, but you named your design hd, but the quality of it, like the television isn`t really good.
i hope you work on it, because the skin has really potential
First, welcome to the PureVision forum.
The intention of the PureVision skins was to provide the MP user with a clearly readable GUI and I think I reached that goal. On my LCD (37 inch) the display is absolutely clear and crispy.
The TV chammel list in TV Fullscreen fills nearly one third of the display - I think this is more than sufficient to clearly read the different programs.
The weather info on the Basic Home is also clearly readable, including the city name (see screenshots on DL page).
The topbar has a continous semi-transparent background covering the whole screen area.
The GFX quality may suffer in some areas, and I´m always working on that to enhance the quality.
Could you please provide some screenshots of your display so that I can evaluate further to enhance the quality of PureVisionHD.
I wonder why your weather symbol is so far to the left that it is overlapping the city text?!
If you compare it to the screenshot on the downlad page it should be much more to the right. Hmmmh, will evaluate that.
The rest is absolutely like intended - don´t see that the channel list is too small, and the topbar also has that semi-transparent background. Or do you mean that the topbar items should be more aligned together?
ja, genau diese einzelnen buttons sollten verbunden werden. finde das sieht besser aus
würd für mich gern die kanalliste von der breite her anpassen. wo genau geht das?
ist es normal, dass wenn man mit den pfeiltasten einen kanal wechselt das senderlogo erst beim gewechselten kanal umschaltet? also wie im bild zu sehen ist, ist das zdf angeschaltet aber ich wechsele gerade auf ard, die sendung tagesschau wurde schon aktualisiert, nur das senderlogo nicht?
Yes, that is the normal behaviour of MP - the respective logo is rendered last and can only be activated when the respective channel is tuned in.
The design of the channel list you find in the TVMiniGuide.xml. You have to adapt the <width> and the <textxoffset> items.
BTW: What numbers have you displayed after the channel name in the channel list?? Is that the reason why you would like to have the channel list much wider? Never saw these numbers before - and I think there´s something wrong with your setup...