question about automating standby (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
August 16, 2006
In Vista MCE the stand by would automtically turn off the PC if it was not playing any media or recording a Tv channel. Better still it would wake from s3 stand by and start to record a schduled program then afterwards it would automatically go back into stand. This could all be confirgured by with the Windows screen saver/power options.

Of course this method is not going to work with MediaPortal so my question is how I do archieve the same using MediaPortal? Is the answer PowerScheduler? If so where do i find this.

In advance thanx tom

Paranoid Delusion

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    TV-Server/Configuration/Plugins/PowerScheduler - MediaPortal Wiki Documentation

    That and the PowerScheduler Client plugin that MP has will control things well.

    Now the bad news, Vista atm no mouse\keyboard activity is noticed, so unless you have a program open that is in your "exceptions" list of programs to disable the Powerscheduler, then your system will shut down after your pre-determined timeout, and immediately when you shut down your exception program.

    Any mouse\keyboard activity with XP will automatically reset the standby countdown, so no shutdown occurs whilst using.


    Portal Pro
    August 16, 2006
    cheers buddy off right now to read up about it.

    Right I am back from reading the wiki and it looks just like the ticket for what I need to make this work. Once again thanx for the speedy reply


    Portal Pro
    August 16, 2006
    set up my TV server PowerScheduler and PowerScheduler Client for 15mins to supend but when left on basichome screen for any amount of time nothing happens.

    My operating system is vista and all power management within control panel is all off (prevent idling is off too). How should I go about fault finding this problem?


    Portal Pro
    August 16, 2006
    One thing I have noticed if I manually close media portal then the PC will supend after 15mins as request. Just the system never supends when within the media portal program. It is like media portal is never idle.

    Also need to mention I have RC1 with lastest SVN.


    Portal Pro
    August 16, 2006
    sotty to bump this one but does any one know anything that might help my problem? It is the last major stumbing block before I return my HTPC under my TV.


    Portal Member
    August 8, 2007
    That program won't work in MediaPortal. I have the same problem. I just want my pc to hibernate or shutdown 10 minutes after it has stopped playing any media, to make sure the pc shutdowns when I go to sleep. The PowerScheduler is no good since it only works in the homescreen. Basicly we need a plugin or a program that detects if mediaportal is playing anything, and if it isn't, it will shutdown MediaPortal.


    Portal Pro
    August 16, 2006
    I thought the option "Only shutdown on the home screen " was an optional tick box. I was under the impression that if that was not ticked it would shutdown on any screen as long as the system was idle. Am I wrong then?

    Going to leave it at the full Home screen tonight and see if it shuts down.


    Portal Member
    August 8, 2007
    At the home screen it will shut down, but the "only shutdown on the homescreen" option is only available when using the tvserver, otherwise it's not possible.

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