Hi I have a question about the loading of the EPG data. I am in The US in the State of New York. I have a Gateway 500x PC Intel Pentium IV processor running @ 2.53 Ghz with 512MB of RAM Nvidia Geforce MX 440 driver version with 128MB of VRAM, Soundmax Intergratd Digital Audio driver version, Windows XP Home Edition SP2 with Internet explorer 6 and Windows Media layer 10 installed. I don't know the make or model or driver version of my motherboard. If this information is needed, please let me know how to obtian this information. When the guide is loading into mediaportal, it makes my computer quite sluggish and takes quite a bit to finish loading completely. I would say it takes around 20 minutes or more it seems. Is this normal? I use xmltv to grab the guide data. Anyone have a similar experience or may know what the prolem may be? Thanks.