Radio Streams with DVBIP? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 28, 2009
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
MediaPortal Version: 1.2.0b
MediaPortal Skin: StreamedMP
Windows Version: 7 Ultimate 32 bits
CPU Type: Corde 2 duo 7400
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Sound Card AC3:
Sound Card Driver:
1. TV Card:
1. TV Card Type:
1. TV Card Driver:
2. TV Card:
2. TV Card Type:
2. TV Card Driver:
3. TV Card:
3. TV Card Type:
3. TV Card Driver:
4. TV Card:
4. TV Card Type:
4. TV Card Driver:
MPEG2 Video Codec:
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h.264 Video Codec:
Satelite/CableTV Provider:
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Power Supply:
TV - HTPC Connection:

I hava silly question about radio streams from my ISP.
I receive TV and HDTV in raw UDP on my fiber channel adapter just "almost" fine.
But my provider also include radio channels on the same vlan.

If I add them to my m3u list of channels, they are scanned ok, but if I want to play them I receive an error message stating that there is no video stream.
If I move them to another m3u file and try to use them in the web radio tune, they are not detected (which seems logic, as the web radio tuner tries to reach them through my internet connection, not on the other card with raw udp packets).

Anyone in the same situation went through this and fixed it?

Thanks in advance,


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    it's not a silly question at all. I think nobody every tried to receive radio via dvb-ip. I don't think that it works at the moment.
    When you do the scan, do the radio channels show up in the radio section? Can you provide logs? If possible, do a scan with only one channel and then try to start the stream. Would be interesting to see whats really happening. But as already said: I don't think the radio over dvb-ip will work, sorry.



    Portal Pro
    October 28, 2009
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    Hello Stepko,

    I didn't had time to retest now, will try later today (tvserver is quite heavily used by the family at the moment).
    What I remember from my last try is that the radio channel did not show up in the radio section, but in the TV section, from where they cannot be played as there is no video in the stream.
    If I open the m3u in the webradios, it doesn't work as the ip addresses are not valid internet addresses.
    To better explain this, my tv server got 2 NIC, one attached to my lan with a gateway (which radios try to use), and another one with a private IP address attached to the specific port of my fiber channel receiver where the udp streams are available.
    So, either I need to tell the radio webstreams to use a particular nic, or I need to tell the TV part that streams without video are valid radio channels.

    I'll try to set up a dvbip virtual tuner and use the radio m3u later - I'll scan the channels and will post the logs.

    Well, funny nobody came accross that before...

    Thanks to all for your help!



    Portal Member
    January 5, 2006
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hallo bhengeveld,

    Could you please describe how you did get the Radio channels working in MP? I tried importing my m3u radio file (that works fine in VLC), but the entries import as webstream, and report "Preview failed:NoTuningDetails".
    My IPTV setup works fine.
    Dual network cards in pc, and adjusted routing table for IPTV stations/ranges, should I also do this for Radio?
    Could you please post your detailed steps?



    Portal Pro
    December 11, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Are you using MePo 1.2b? I never got that version to scan my DVBIP channels (TV or Radio). What I did was install 1.1.2 (or 1.1.3 in case you use win7), scan channels using m3u, export channels/groups from TV server setup, install MP 1.2b and import Channels.

    Since they work in VLC, I'd say it has nothing to do with your routing tables.


    Portal Member
    January 5, 2006
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Thanks B,

    But I am (still) on 1.1.3, and finally got it working by trial and error in modifying a xml file until it worked...
    I started from the exported TV xml file and experimented with the great many variables until I got it working. Ouch!
    My importable Radio xml file now looks like this:

    <tvserver version="1.0">
    <server HostName="mediacenter-2" IdServer="1" IsMaster="True">
    <card IdCard="1" DevicePath="@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{D3DD4C59-D3A7-4B82-9727-7B9203EB67C0}" Enabled="True" CamType="0" GrabEPG="False" LastEpgGrab="2000-1-1 0:0:0" Name="MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter" Priority="5" RecordingFolder="D:\data2\Video\TV Recording" />
    <card IdCard="4" DevicePath="@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{D3DD4C59-D3A7-4B82-9727-7B9203EB67C0}(1)" Enabled="True" CamType="0" GrabEPG="False" LastEpgGrab="2000-1-1 0:0:0" Name="MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter_1" Priority="4" RecordingFolder="D:\data2\Video\TV Recording" />
    <card IdCard="5" DevicePath="@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{D3DD4C59-D3A7-4B82-9727-7B9203EB67C0}(2)" Enabled="True" CamType="0" GrabEPG="False" LastEpgGrab="2000-1-1 0:0:0" Name="MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter_2" Priority="3" RecordingFolder="D:\data2\Video\TV Recording" />
    <card IdCard="2" DevicePath="@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_4444&amp;dev_0016&amp;subsys_88010070&amp;rev_01#4&amp;1add88a5&amp;0&amp;08f0#{a799a800-a46d-11d0-a18c-00a02401dcd4}\{ebe24d78-f037-4932-b879-ccefefe78750}" Enabled="True" CamType="0" GrabEPG="True" LastEpgGrab="2000-1-1 0:0:0" Name="Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvTuner" Priority="2" RecordingFolder="D:\data2\Video\TV Recording" />
    <card IdCard="3" DevicePath="(builtin)" Enabled="True" CamType="0" GrabEPG="True" LastEpgGrab="2000-1-1 0:0:0" Name="RadioWebStream Card (builtin)" Priority="1" RecordingFolder="D:\data2\Video\TV Recording" />

    <channel Name="Radio 3FM" GrabEpg="False" IdChannel="589" IsRadio="True" IsTv="False" LastGrabTime="2000-1-1 0:0:0" SortOrder="34" TimesWatched="0" TotalTimeWatched="2000-1-1 0:0:0" VisibleInGuide="True" DisplayName="Radio 3FM">
    <map IdCard="1" IdChannel="589" IdChannelMap="484" />
    <map IdCard="4" IdChannel="589" IdChannelMap="545" />
    <map IdCard="5" IdChannel="589" IdChannelMap="606" />
    <tune IdChannel="589" IdTuning="590" AudioPid="0" Bandwidth="8" ChannelNumber="10000" ChannelType="7" CountryId="31" Diseqc="0" FreeToAir="True" Frequency="0" MajorChannel="-1" MinorChannel="-1" Modulation="0" Name="Radio 3FM" NetworkId="4100" PcrPid="0" PmtPid="1000" Polarisation="0" Provider="" ServiceId="1" SwitchingFrequency="0" Symbolrate="0" TransportId="9" TuningSource="0" VideoPid="0" VideoSource="0" AudioSource="0" IsVCRSignal="False" SatIndex="-1" InnerFecRate="-1" Band="0" Pilot="-1" RollOff="-1" Url="udp://@" Bitrate="0" />

    <channel Name="Radio 2" GrabEpg="False" IdChannel="590" IsRadio="True" IsTv="False" LastGrabTime="2000-1-1 0:0:0" SortOrder="31" TimesWatched="0" TotalTimeWatched="2000-1-1 0:0:0" VisibleInGuide="True" DisplayName="Radio 2">
    <map IdCard="1" IdChannel="590" IdChannelMap="481" />
    <map IdCard="4" IdChannel="590" IdChannelMap="542" />
    <map IdCard="5" IdChannel="590" IdChannelMap="603" />
    <tune IdChannel="590" IdTuning="591" AudioPid="0" Bandwidth="8" ChannelNumber="10000" ChannelType="7" CountryId="31" Diseqc="0" FreeToAir="True" Frequency="0" MajorChannel="-1" MinorChannel="-1" Modulation="0" Name="Radio 2" NetworkId="4100" PcrPid="0" PmtPid="1000" Polarisation="0" Provider="" ServiceId="1" SwitchingFrequency="0" Symbolrate="0" TransportId="9" TuningSource="0" VideoPid="0" VideoSource="0" AudioSource="0" IsVCRSignal="False" SatIndex="-1" InnerFecRate="-1" Band="0" Pilot="-1" RollOff="-1" Url="udp://@" Bitrate="0" />

    I highlighted the relevant entries. (Note: I have configured for 3 dvb-ip cards: 1,4,5 )
    As they can be the same for all entries/radio channels, it was finally a matter of global replace tricks in a text editor, and reimporting the resulting xml file back into tvconfig.

    There might be better/smarter ways to do this, but this worked for me.


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