Nice work! Media info and winamp visualisations are working again.
Don't really have any improvement suggestions. I love this plugin for it's simplicity and use it daily.
Whats wrong with the skin? I'm using the b&w1080p and it's fine!
excellent plugin, i just tried it and has all these stations! now i can ditch the analog radio
dukus, maybe you can use some sort of statuses or navigationstack when in different screens and when going back, so we can use "back" key on the remote (or esc on keyboard) to go level down in facade..
for example, i choose "local radio", then list of stations load, press back and you're back in plugins screen (outside of the plugin).. expected would be to go back to previous screen in the radiotimes (main screen)..
(edit: i've just saw that there is back button), so this will be even easier to implement.. just fetch ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU on action handler...)
also maybe use #header.label to notify where in the plugin (status) are we.. search, local stations and so on...
update the svn, maybe i'll find some time to help with this
Hey seems that Radiotime is having issues with 1.02 of mediaportal... Only half the icons in the side menu are coming up.. I have tested this in both the standard Blue3Wide skin and my own alteration of steamedMP..
Sorry if the logos are too big.... Maybe we can find out if there are higher res ones they can get off the site..
Strange GUI error has gone away....
Some thing I have noticed for a while though, bug of sorts... When I F9 over a station so I can add it to Favourites... It does not add... Also you have "My Favourites" and "My Presets"... Whats it going to be one or the other, they are essentially the same thing right?
Hey Dukus, love the plugin! Is there any way to play flash streams via MP? I'm guessing not since I don't know of a flash real time transcoder, but just thought I would ask!
As far as things to add:
1. Option to get station schedule
2. Option to get more station info
I'm assuming these are possible since they are integrated into RadioTimes MCE plugin. Hey, you asked!
I'll take a look at the default skin and see what I can come up with for you.