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- #11
Yes, it is only playing one part (the 1st part) for me and then it stops.is it a bug?
In addition, i think the function that prompt us to choose which part (if the movie was splited into several parts) to play make it more convenient .
Edit: my above problem happens only if i play movie by an external player. When i change back to internal player. the movie's parts were play subsequently.
Yes that sounds like a bug to me. I went ahead and created a bug report on the issue tracker. If you could reproduce the error and then post your logs over there though, that would be extremely helpful. And if anyone else has experienced the same thing please speak up, or better yet, post your logs on Google Code.
As for having a permanent prompt to always ask which part you want to play, I agree with Marveneus, I think this is not a great idea. 99% of the time video files are split at an arbitrary point, there is no signifigance to the break. So there is no reason to make this break a permanent resume point. I know this bug renders the plug-in useless for you for multi-part movies though So I will try to come up with some sort of solution before the upcoming next release.