[Info] Release 0.7 (x86/x64) - MPExtended, WebMP, Bootstrap skin by ajs - Hard way (14 Viewers)


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    Try this ...


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    Service Log
    2020-07-18 12:18:24.30862 [               (17)]  INFO: [          webmediaportal-26131] Encoder:   path C:\Program Files (x86)\MPExtended\Service\Streaming\vlc-2.2.8\MPExtended.Libraries.VLCWrapper.exe
    2020-07-18 12:18:24.33987 [               (17)] ERROR: [          webmediaportal-26131] Encoding: Failed to start transcoder
    MPExtended\Service\Streaming\vlc-2.2.8\MPExtended. I don't know where it came from, but that's the problem. I uninstalled the old version, checked that everything was correctly deleted in the settings folder (C:\ProgramData\MPExtended\) and in the program folder ("...\Team MediaPortal\MPExtended\Service\"), and then installed the new version. :coffee:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    Run global search for 2.2.8 and where this line ...


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    It was in C:\ProgramData\MPExtended\StreamingProfiles.xml :oops:
    Changed it to 3.0.11 and most TV recordings work - there are some recordings giving the wait circle (reason unknown) (y)
    ALL tv recordings work perfect in MPTVScheduler, even those which don´t play on WebMP on PC (y)
    And on Android none of the tv recordings play - only wait circle :confused:
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine


    Portal Pro
    May 28, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi ajs,
    Thank you for your last answert. Last week I went back to Version 0.7.120 after I do this WebMP works to play TV records and to playback Videofiles from my Media Center whis out problem.

    Today I try to use Version 0.7.217 unfortunaly The Flashplayer and the VLC Player are still not working.

    That ist the reason today I went back to Version Version 0.7.120 again.

    The music playback is currently left out until the TV playback via the Flash Player and the VLC Player works again without problems. Please when you integratet new Player please can you leave the old Player funktion in WebMP. I am not a frend from Microsoft store aplication most time the Apps have a lot of advertising in the App and the apps update every days. that ist the reason I have normaly only One player of my PCs

    I would like to check your tip that the path might not be correct.

    But where can I find in MP Extendet where the music and Videofile database is. In the older version the music playback was not built in. Can you please tell me where I have to enter or check the music path?

    when playing TV recordings and videos I don't think that I have a database or path problem to the TV and video files. As soon as I install the Media Center MP Extendet 0.7.120 on my Media Center MP Extendet 0.7.120 the playback of TV recordings works again without problems. So that only the video files are not all displayed.

    After reinstalling MPExtendet and WebMP version 0.7.120. The Flashplayer and the VLC Player as external player again without problems! I think that I have no problems with the database in the TV playback part.

    I have attached all logs I found in MPExtendet and WebMP, because I don't know how to fix the bugs of the latest MPExtendet version (0.7.217).


    • 1-TV-Recordin-play---Flashplayer can not found file.PNG
      1-TV-Recordin-play---Flashplayer can not found file.PNG
      321 KB
    • 2-TV-Recordin-play---Flashplayer can not found file.PNG
      2-TV-Recordin-play---Flashplayer can not found file.PNG
      51.1 KB
    • 3-TV-Recordin-play---Flashplayer can not found file.PNG
      3-TV-Recordin-play---Flashplayer can not found file.PNG
      133.1 KB
    • 4-VLC---TV-Recording-play---external-VLC-Playerr can not found file-too.PNG
      4-VLC---TV-Recording-play---external-VLC-Playerr can not found file-too.PNG
      77.2 KB
    • 5-Status-WebMP.PNG
      73.5 KB
    • 6-aktive-streams-MPextendet.PNG
      78.6 KB
    • 7-Error-log-WebMP.PNG
      95.4 KB
    • 8-TV-Record-List-I can see-my recording-I can not Play the Films-WebMP.PNG
      8-TV-Record-List-I can see-my recording-I can not Play the Films-WebMP.PNG
      113 KB
    • 9-tV-Recording-folder.PNG
      408.1 KB
    • 10-TV-Recording-Data-Import.PNG
      282.1 KB
    • 11-Path-my Video-Plugin.PNG
      11-Path-my Video-Plugin.PNG
      113.8 KB
    • MP-extendet-service-log.zip
      222.3 KB
    • MPExtendet-Intaller-log2.zip
      228.4 KB


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    @catavolt android, flash anf hls work...


    -- Tapatalk | WBR, ajs


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    The music playback is currently left out until the TV playback via the Flash Player and the VLC Player works again without problems.
    The part that concerns the reproduction of music, I did not touch at all, as it was in the original version of the skin, it remains. :coffee:
    Please when you integratet new Player please can you leave the old Player funktion in WebMP.
    I cannot leave two players in one, so the old player is saved in the Old folder, the new player works on my computer and phone. The old one does not work due to the fact that it is generally outdated. I am checking playback on Chrome, @catavolt on Firefox and the new Edge. :)
    But where can I find in MP Extendet where the music and Videofile database is. In the older version the music playback was not built in. Can you please tell me where I have to enter or check the music path?
    Music playback has always been built in, the path to the music database is configured in the MPE settings in the Plugins section, the MP Music section.

    About screenshots, JWPlayer - old player, i use (and worked for me) video.js player and native (build in browser) HTML5 player...

    About logs:
    TvSeries not work due error:
    MPExtended.Libraries.SQLitePlugin.QueryException: Failed to execute query
    Query: SELECT e.CompositeID, e.EpisodeIndex, e.SeriesID, e.SeasonIndex, e.Watched, e.Rating, e.thumbFilename, e.FirstAired, GROUP_CONCAT(l.EpisodeFilename, '|') AS filename, MIN(l.FileDateAdded) AS dateAdded, e.GuestStars, e.Director, e.Writer, e.IMDB_ID, e.Summary, CASE WHEN LENGTH(TRIM(e.EpisodeName)) > 0 THEN e.EpisodeName ELSE l.LocalEpisodeName END AS name, MIN(ls.Parsed_Name) AS parsed_name, os.Pretty_Name AS pretty_name FROM online_episodes e INNER JOIN local_episodes l ON e.CompositeID = l.CompositeID OR e.CompositeID = l.CompositeID2 INNER JOIN online_series os ON os.ID = e.SeriesID INNER JOIN local_series ls ON ls.ID = e.SeriesID WHERE e.Hidden = 0 AND 1 GROUP BY e.EpisodeID, e.SeriesID, e.EpisodeName, e.EpisodeIndex, e.SeasonIndex, e.Watched, e.Rating, e.thumbFilename, e.FirstAired, e.GuestStars, e.Director, e.Writer ORDER BY e.FirstAired DESC LIMIT 0, 5
    Database: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database\TVSeriesDatabase4.db3
     ---> code = Error (1), message = System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x800007BF): SQL logic error
    no such column: e.IMDB_ID
    2020-07-13 20:37:06.07264 [               (22)]  WARN: Executing OrderBy(sortBy=Title, orderBy=Asc) on list failed, sort parameters are invalid or list iterator failed (might be caused by an invalid or unexpected database or a broken query).
    System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Ein Aufrufziel hat einen Ausnahmefehler verursacht.
     ---> MPExtended.Libraries.SQLitePlugin.QueryException: Failed to execute query
     ---> System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: SQL logic error
    no such table: Fanart

    And this error in 0.6.0-beta11 (commit 46b0861) and in 0.6.0-beta13-ajs (commit ed7d69d) and may bu due - DEBUG: Found supported MediaPortal installation (MP1_17, build :coffee:

    A lot of errors like:
    2020-07-13 20:38:06.83265 [               (37)]  INFO: Failed to load fileinfo for recording 68 because it does not exists at path C:\Users\Public\Recorded TV\13 Hours_ The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi - ProSieben - 2020-07-12.ts

    Errors for Mediaportal shares:
    2020-07-13 20:43:09.22711 [               (40)]  WARN: MPShares: Failed to read section movies from MediaPortal configuration file, aborting configuration reading
    2020-07-13 20:43:17.43711 [               (28)]  WARN: Failed to read section movies from MediaPortal.xml
    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Die Datei "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.xml" konnte nicht gefunden werden.
    Dateiname: "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.xml"

    And old VLC in StreamProfile:
    2020-07-19 17:38:35.40324 [               (48)]  INFO: [          webmediaportal-42198] Encoder:   path C:\Program Files (x86)\MPExtended\Service\Streaming\vlc-2.0.2\MPExtended.Libraries.VLCWrapper.exe
    Latests MPE version use VLC 3.0.11, previous 2.2.8 ... :coffee:

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