Remote Control (SL-6399) Configuration (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 1, 2008
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Netherlands Netherlands
I did itttttttt! :)

Here's a short description.. I will have to test it again myself tomorrow. So please don't shoot me if it doesn't work. Just ask questions :)

Download and unzip the Submitted By: rsenden (rsenden) who did some GREAT WORK writing this PlugIn.

MEDIAPORTAL - free media center - KeyboardInputPlugin

Installation Instructions (from the ReadMe File, but slighty edited)
1. Copy the KeyboardInputPlugin.dll file to your MediaPortal Plugins\Process directory.
2. Copy the provided Keyboard.xml file (for Asus S-Presso front panel remote) to your MediaPortal InputDeviceMappings\default directory.

Read the ReadMe file carefully!

I had the same problem as described under Know Problems in the ReadMe file which is that key presses of the up and down arrow were handled twice.

Step 4
Go to the MP Configuration->General->Keys and Sounds. (I don't know if you can back up the settings, but do so if necessary)
Remove all the Windows and Global Actions.

(I think it should already work by now, so go ahead and test it)

Step 5

MP Configuration->Plugins
Keyboard Input Plugin should be registered under the process plugins.
Righ click-> Configuration

Step 6
Quote Readme:
Button Definitions and mappings

Using the Configuration screens of the plugin (accessed through the MediaPortal Setup program), one can modify both the button definitions and the button to action mappings. Usually you should start with adding button definitions (unless you already have a keyboard.xml file with existing button definitions available, for example for your HID remote) and afterwards perform the button to action mapping. The button to action mapping process is the same as for the regular MediaPortal remote button mapping process, so is not described in further detail here.

within the plugin's configuration, the add/remove buttons allows you to 'update' your key presses.

Install Eventghost (google for it) to reveal each remote button's keyboard mapping and match it with its key code from the readme file. This is not really necessary since you can use the learn mode within the plugin itself.

I changed the more button code into 93, because it was not working for me.

Hope this helps


New Member
April 14, 2008
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Thanks from me too!

I was almost at the stage of starting a new thread when i found this.

I've been building comps since the ZX80, but configuring this remote is right up at the to of the frustrations lists!

I've got so much working, but i can't for the life of me figure out how to assign the button mapping. Has the wiki page dissapeared since this was posted?

I tried manually editing the .xml file to the value of 93 for "More" but no luck yet!

I assume there must be a way to fill the "Key" value in the plugin setup, but i just cant figure it :'(

If anyone has already configured a keyboard.xml file for the SL-6399 i would be eternally grateful for a link/email.


Portal Member
February 1, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands

Didn't my tutorial work for you? See step 6. There is no need to manually edit the (keyboard?).xml file. You should configure the buttons through the installed plugin. ;)


New Member
April 14, 2008
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Edit - Got it this time!

I had misunderstood and was trying to configure the buttons in the "button mapping" section rather than using the "Add/Remove Buttons" option.

Knew it had to be something simple!

Thanks so much, great tutorial! Off to play now :D


New Member
May 13, 2008
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Poland Poland

Mine remote came with asus nova p20, and it aparently has the same problem, being actualy an external keyboard and not a MCE remote

Is there any way to remap keys in such a remote in external aplications and not MP. I need to use it with my custom video player software.



Portal Member
February 1, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands

Mine remote came with asus nova p20, and it aparently has the same problem, being actualy an external keyboard and not a MCE remote

Is there any way to remap keys in such a remote in external aplications and not MP. I need to use it with my custom video player software.



I think it's best to google around and see if you can find an answer or visit the manufacturers website. It's hard for me to give you a clear answer, because you didn't mention the keyboard's brand.

Oh well,
I googled for you.. and one of the first hits I got was... - Customize Your Keyboard Mapping

Perhaps it is what you need.
Let us know ;)


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  • December 6, 2007
    Germany, Bayern
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    Hungary Hungary
    Hi Guys,

    my Speedlink SL-6399 works very nice with Eventghost (newer beta with preprogrammed mediaportal plugin). Everything functions with Mediaportal after mapping (I did not have to map the play-pause-fw-rev buttons, if I did, I got double actions from MP, MP Message Plugin installed and activated).

    The only problem I have: EventGhost translates the keystrokes from my normal keyboard also! So eventghost running, I am not able to use e.g. the number keys of my keyboard. How can I tell EventGhost, that it should process keystrokes from the SL-6399 only?


    Portal Member
    February 1, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hi Guys,

    my Speedlink SL-6399 works very nice with Eventghost (newer beta with preprogrammed mediaportal plugin). Everything functions with Mediaportal after mapping (I did not have to map the play-pause-fw-rev buttons, if I did, I got double actions from MP, MP Message Plugin installed and activated).

    The only problem I have: EventGhost translates the keystrokes from my normal keyboard also! So eventghost running, I am not able to use e.g. the number keys of my keyboard. How can I tell EventGhost, that it should process keystrokes from the SL-6399 only?


    Ehm.. I think this is more EventGhost related. I haven't checked this new version out yet, but why would you use it for your remote?
    You have another App running beside your MP, while you can just install the plugin, configure your buttons and away you go.. So no problems with keystroke-mix-ups ;)
    Give it a try or keep us posted on your progress with EventGhost.



    MP Donator
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  • December 6, 2007
    Germany, Bayern
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    Hungary Hungary

    you mean the KeyboardImputPlugin for MP, right? I will give it a try if I have some time and report. Thanx for the hint.

    I was otherwise happy with eventghost, I could set it up quickly and my remote worked instantly...

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