This will result in the thumbnail being made up of two tiles (one above the other) being 1920x400 each - So the tile aspct ratio will be distorted - but the overall thumbnail aspect ratio will match the source video.
If you set/create the following registry key HKCU\Software\MTN\keeptilear and set it to "1" (create it as a Reg_SZ/String) - it should change the AR logic to keep the tile AR correct, and allow the thumb AR to be adjusted to suit the tiles. Hopefully this is what you are after???
Now, respect aspect ratio work corectly, !
sorry i thinking default mode is respect aspect ratio !
now, for sharedthumb
missing to resize dimension from config set, and compress jpg ( maybe 32 > 24 bit)
Image size of _s (shared) thumbnail - What do you expect/think it should be??
The way MePo is working with my MTN, is that my MTN creates the shared thumbnail (_s image) and then MePo copies/resizes these to become the other thumbnails.
The size of the shared thumb is controlled by the -w parameter. As you can see from the log file, MePo is not specifying a size (-w 0), in which case I get my MTN to use the source resolution. Therefore if the video/source is 1920x800 (and -w 0 is specified), then the shared thumb is 1920x800. Unless I can not obtain the video resolution, in which case I set a default video size of 1270x720.
Image resolution - I will look at implementing a way of adjusting the quality
for me Image size of _s = Thumb large set in MP / for not decrease performance of MP ( or an other slider for set this choice ! )
we can have only sharedthumb and no MPthumb ( for user (as me) don't want use DB - implemented with MyVid 1.3B)
It now has a quality setting (defined by the "thumbnailquality" registry key (value is "1" to "100")). If set to "100" no post processing is done at all. If set to "1" - "99" then the image is reprocessed and you will see a large drop in size (eg from 200KB to 20KB - even on the 99 setting).
Tested, OK for size with 95% quality thumb 1500ko > 250ko and 24bit and now supported file have good properties ( accepted by forum, and all other soft as
i think 99% for default (100% actually)
Now missing feature ( by priority) :
- resize shared thumbnail ( maybe from an other slider - but can't be lower of thumbnail set ! )
- blank détection, for not get, black screen ..
- added Fanart functionnality ( maybe only in shared folder, when fanart is not detected for not overwrite)
- added GAP border ( Poster & fanart)
I need to get a life (other than this MTN replacement)!!!
There is nothing to this "developing C#" lark
Version 71 is on the first page.
A few minor tweaks: Image Quality
Change the default, such that image encoding is done by default (JPEG quality is 100%). This will now produce smaller thumbs at 100% quality. To disable the encoding, set the "thumbnailquality" regsitry key to "-1"
Black Frame Detection
Now supports black/blank frame detection. If a grabbed frame/tile is black, it will try and grab another one. It will try 3 times. If they are all black, it will give up and use the black grabbed frame. This option is on by default. To turn it off create the following registry key (REG_SZ): "disableblankframedetection" and set it to "1". Please let me know how you get on with detection rates and speed. This function does drastically slow the thumbnailing process down (it is not variable like the MTN version - might be something I look at going forward)
Now supports black borders between the tiles. This is off by default, to enable borders (and specify thickness in pixels), create the following registry key (REG_SZ): "border" and set it to the required thickness.
If we feel the speed is too slow, I might look at making black/blank frame detection off by default (although this should not really process large amounts of thumbnails)