Replicant 4:3 Remixed Ver 0.4 (Good release) (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
July 9, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Im not sure ATM, looks like it calls each one a different name, wouldnt be poss i dont think, Ill have a look into it when ive finnished making it try 4:3. might be a while tho :-(


Portal Pro
July 9, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Quick look into says it cant be done as the ids dynamic, therfore theyres no way to link to it from a skin.

If anyone can prove me wrong id like to know please!


Portal Pro
November 22, 2004
It could normaly listet in Home or plugins , so I thought it could be done.
Maybe I could work another way? Is it possible to add myplugins in basic home?



Portal Pro
July 9, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Replicant Remixed Dead

Guys, sorry bout this but Replicant 4:3 Remixed is dead. There is soo much work involved to skin that to 4:3 that i havnt time to do this and my new skin Storm.
I have to edit every skin to 4:3 for replicant and then make a start on storm, I have decided to work on storm first and then edit the gfx to fit replicant. As they are both built on replicant 16:9 it shouldnt be too hard to do this at all!!!. My main reson for chosing storm over unfinnished replicant is that you can use v0.4 perfectly well in fullscreen, youll see my oversight if you flip to windowed!!
Any bugs/issues in replicant 4:3 remixed please let me know so i can resolve these for 0.5 AND they will also affect STorm

Sneak preview...
Hope you like, going for a vista effect! Plus white on black looks so much better on my crt.
Same applies with the anim and the changing backgrounds!

Hoping to get this up in the next week or so
Let me know what you think
Aslo any suggestions for the home screen??


Portal Pro
November 22, 2004
Such a shame , that this skin is dead , because with latest svn theres no Artwork in the nowplaying screen. Anyway - is there a chance to fix it very quick?

And-: Tell us more about the Storm - skin.

(Stormbringer likes the storm lol)

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