ReVision / Replicant v1.1.8. (4 Viewers)


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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    If you change your localization (in MediaPortal configuration/setup - General-> Skin Language selection) to English and are still using B2, does it correctly show the colon ":" separator?

    Which version of MP are you using? I am using SVN15389 and when changing to Italian it still shows the ":" for all times in B2 skin.


    Portal Pro
    December 26, 2006
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    I noticed that it gets fixed if I change international settings in XP control panel. If I select german or english in xp international settings and I restart MP then I can see the colon separator between hours and minutes keeping MP skin setting to italian. maybe you can test it by setting your local settings to italian in XP control panel and then running MP with Replicant skin. B2 seems to work correctly if I change international settings it uses the new settings showing the correct time format separator (dot for italian and colon for english and german)


    Portal Pro
    October 23, 2006
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Here are a couple of sets of Replicant Dialog Boxes for anyone that really doesn't like the 'speech bubble' style ones.

    Replicant Dialogs Dark Transparent

    Replicant Dialogs Light Transparent

    If anyone wants them I'll do a set of ReVision ones as well.

    @ Psycho Reptile - osd_bg_top.png and osd_bg_video.png in Replicant 1.15 are wrong (the ReVision ones are there instead) in case no-one else had noticed. Also in the above dialogs context_background_tv.png doesn't look as transparent/darker than the rest of the set, is there a xml reason for that as I think the graphics themselves are OK.

    Psycho Reptile

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  • April 19, 2006
    Cambridge, England
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    @ Psycho Reptile - osd_bg_top.png and osd_bg_video.png in Replicant 1.15 are wrong (the ReVision ones are there instead) in case no-one else had noticed. Also in the above dialogs context_background_tv.png doesn't look as transparent/darker than the rest of the set, is there a xml reason for that as I think the graphics themselves are OK.

    Ok, I'll have a look, it's quite difficult trying to maintain two skins :). Regards transparency - if the pngs have the same level of transparency for the dialog bubbles/boxes, they should be the same. I don't think I've used any transparency in the xml files. I think colordiffuse can be used but I'm not sure...


    Portal Pro
    October 12, 2006
    It seems like when I choose a music title to play, and then go to 'Now Playing', the album artwork for the 1st song does not show up in the large box on the screen. It says 'No Artwork'.
    When the 2nd song plays, the artwork displays correctly.

    If during the 2nd song, I select 'Fullscrren' to show visualization, when I return to Now playing screen the 'No Artwork' is displayed again...

    Lastly, when album artwork is displayed on the Now Playing screen, if I return to the previous screen to choose more songs, the Album artwork does not close the artwork window and it displays on top of any screen I move to....

    Anyone else have this happening?

    I have it too! Is it the skin or is it the SVN? I'm using 2.3.0. RC1 with the latest SVN...



    Moderator - Dutch Forums
    May 28, 2006
    Den Bosch
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    It seems like when I choose a music title to play, and then go to 'Now Playing', the album artwork for the 1st song does not show up in the large box on the screen. It says 'No Artwork'.
    When the 2nd song plays, the artwork displays correctly.

    If during the 2nd song, I select 'Fullscrren' to show visualization, when I return to Now playing screen the 'No Artwork' is displayed again...

    Lastly, when album artwork is displayed on the Now Playing screen, if I return to the previous screen to choose more songs, the Album artwork does not close the artwork window and it displays on top of any screen I move to....

    Anyone else have this happening?

    I have it too! Is it the skin or is it the SVN? I'm using 2.3.0. RC1 with the latest SVN...


    Same here too...

    Psycho Reptile

    Retired Team Member
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  • April 19, 2006
    Cambridge, England
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi all, sorry haven't posted for a while, took the family on a spur of the moment holiday to Yorkshire :).
    Has anyone tried to see if these artwork problems appear using older SVNs? I'll download the latest SVN and have a look, but remember when the skin is released it is tested with the SVN mentioned in the release notes ;).

    Oh, and I assume this doesn't happen in either of the B2 skins?


    Portal Pro
    April 23, 2007
    Could someone post a shot of their tvseries plugin views (if you use it)?

    I'm trying to get the fan art going, but there doesn't seem to be much of a standard for making the art. And all the content seems to be all over the place.

    I'm using the most recent version of Revision. I was just curious what everyone else was doing to get the best use out of the new fan art feature, while allowing it to work for a large variety of fan art backgrounds.

    Thanks guys!

    Actually, i think i just figured it out.

    I dont think that my 1.2 versioned tv plugin is detecting that i have fan art showing. Because my tvseries.xml has different defined views for different themed backgrounds (light, dark), but yet its using the view defined for NOfanart.

    Anyone else have any trouble with this?


    Moderator - Dutch Forums
    May 28, 2006
    Den Bosch
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    My fanart is smaller then my resolution...
    The art picture is like a 800x920 whilst my screen is 1940x1080.... very strange.


    Portal Pro
    August 5, 2006
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    My fanart is smaller then my resolution...
    The art picture is like a 800x920 whilst my screen is 1940x1080.... very strange.

    I encountered the same problem. The FanArt picture doesn't resize with the screen resolution (I use 1920x1200).


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