Rockstar - the ultimate online music plugin (Spotify&Grooveshark&Rdio) (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
November 9, 2008
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Re: Rockstar Beta 1.0 - the ultimate online music plugin (Spotify&Grooveshark)

wicked :D

btw, i agree with msj33 on the naming, it should be more describing, like MusicPortal, Online Music, MusicStreamer or something. Rockstar sounds like a Guitar Hero/RockBand ripoff :p Keep up the good work, this plugin is a important piece for a complete media center experience ;)


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October 24, 2010
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Re: Rockstar Beta 1.0 - the ultimate online music plugin (Spotify&Grooveshark)

wicked :D

btw, i agree with msj33 on the naming, it should be more describing, like MusicPortal, Online Music, MusicStreamer or something. Rockstar sounds like a Guitar Hero/RockBand ripoff :p Keep up the good work, this plugin is a important piece for a complete media center experience ;)

Many moons ago there was a game called Rockstar Ate My Hamster. I suppose it could always be worse. ;) A more truly representative name would be good.


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    Re: Rockstar Beta 1.0 - the ultimate online music plugin (Spotify&Grooveshark)

    Unfortunately the plugin name is not going to change so we can end that discussion here. Also I'm quite busy these days so I don't have time to comment all suggestions/problems, sorry about that.


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  • November 30, 2005
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    Re: Rockstar Beta 1.0 - the ultimate online music plugin (Spotify&Grooveshark)

    Hi again Seco.

    Have just tested your Beta of Rockstar, and everything is running great here on MP 1.1 & StreamedMP (1.2 Alpha does not work).

    Only running grooveshark account(no spotify in Denmark)

    Have some ideas/ suggestions to your skin layout/design.

    For the ordinary MP user, the layout and menu navigation is easy and logical, and is learned by using MP in everyday use.

    But unfortunately this is not the case for users that never or rarely has user MP before.

    Therefore I have some suggestions to ease the navigation in Rockstar.

    -Remove the "default" in the naming "Default playlist". There is only 1 editable playlist where the user can add new tracks to, so "Playlist" name says it all.
    -Rename "Playlists" to "Other Playlists" or "Saved playlists" - Name has to differ from above suggestion.
    -When navigating to Right pane, the menu disappears - Should always be visible - Non-MP users/guests will need guidance if menu is not visible. Maybe move Coverart/Info to bottom of skin
    -Easy page switching - Scrolling can be a P*** - Right arrow should be configures to turn 1 page, when in Right pane.

    Feature requests:
    - Create project on Google code - Easier to maintain bugfixing & logging than in these forums (Like Moving pictures, StremedMP etc)
    - A quick Hotkey for Search Keyboard
    -Option to save created/Edited playlists (seems possible since you can delete tracks from existing grooveshark playlists.
    -Split view(Search/Playlist) - Being able to search and add new songs, and see existing playlist at the same time is - continous naviation forth and back is time consuming and confusing for non MP users. (Maybe take a look at the split screen view in MPGrooveshark plugin)
    -Fade into next song - Although buffering runs smoothly and without any big delays - Fading option is nice in "party mode".
    -Buy song/Album Button that links to Amazon or similar website - Music is in general NOT free to distribute/make - Give the users option to buy the song/album - That may contribute to keeping RIAA away for a while!
    -Screensaver with configuable timer - Showing big cover/artwork, song/artist/album name, Elapsed time & next song.

    Hope you can use the feedback - Great Work Seco :)



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  • November 30, 2005
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    Re: Rockstar Beta 1.0 - the ultimate online music plugin (Spotify&Grooveshark)

    I got tired of searching for songs on the onscreen keyboard (takes to long with a remote).

    Therefore I created a new playlist from my laptop, and ran Rockstar - It loaded the playlist fine.

    Afterwards I edited playlists - but when restarting Rockstar, it does not update the playlists.

    It it possible to autorefresh playlists every time you run the "Playlists" menu? Alternately create a refresh source button.

    That way you can edit your playlists "on the fly", without restarting MePo. Very nice feature



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    Re: Rockstar Beta 1.0 - the ultimate online music plugin (Spotify&Grooveshark)

    I got tired of searching for songs on the onscreen keyboard (takes to long with a remote).

    Therefore I created a new playlist from my laptop, and ran Rockstar - It loaded the playlist fine.

    Afterwards I edited playlists - but when restarting Rockstar, it does not update the playlists.

    It it possible to autorefresh playlists every time you run the "Playlists" menu? Alternately create a refresh source button.

    That way you can edit your playlists "on the fly", without restarting MePo. Very nice feature


    There is already such feature. If you create/delete playlists in Spotify/Grooveshark, in Rockstar "Playlists" view F9 displays "Refresh playlists" option which refreshes all remote playlists.

    If you add/delete tracks for single playlist in Spotify/Groovashark, in Rockstar "Playlist" (tracks) view F9 displays "Refresh playlist" which refreshes all the tracks for the selected remote playlist.


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  • November 30, 2005
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    Re: Rockstar Beta 1.0 - the ultimate online music plugin (Spotify&Grooveshark)

    Aaaah......there is was:) Works fine:) And I can see the save/Delete option is also available in the "hidden menu" :-P

    Possible to automate the refresh, when entering switching playlists? Or will this significantly delay the loading time?

    Found a little error - Cannot stop playback outside Rockstar plugin.

    Another question? Have noticed that the Grooveshark Playlists also are created locally? Is this correct, and although I like the feature, I don't think the RIAA agree.



    Portal Pro
    February 16, 2008
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    Re: AW: Rockstar Beta 1.0 - the ultimate online music plugin (Spotify&Grooveshark)

    I have a grooveshark free account and entered the login details in the rockstar configuration. I only enabled grooveshark. When i perform a search I get an "error occured" and no results.

    I have the same results.:(


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  • November 28, 2007
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    Re: Rockstar Beta 1.0 - the ultimate online music plugin (Spotify&Grooveshark)

    Thank you for a great plug in.

    I've got som problems loading my spotify playlists, always getting an error and only local playlists load.

    The error message is something like:
    "Error loading playlists" or "Unable to load playlists" (not HTPC right now and might not be home next week...)

    I've aprox 100 playlists (is there some kind of timeout loading playlists).

    I sometimes had the same problem with the SpotyMP plug in, and when it did load it took a very long time.

    Some ideas:
    * It would be great if I could choose "Browse Artist" and "Browse Album" when selecting a track or maybe pressing i-button on the remote. This is implemented in SpotyMP, saves the user a lot of searching.

    * Clear the current playlist functionality

    * Add tracks to other (local)playlists, not only to the "current playlist"

    * Last.FM scrobbling

    * Localisation of spotify to prevent search result not available in the users region.

    But hey this is just things I would like to have in this plug in and I know you put a lot of work into the Mediaportal ecosystem, and time isn't cheap. But keeping my fingers crossed :).

    I'm new to this "reporting bugs" but what files/logs should I send if I did a proper bug report of this plug in?(Maybe read some sticky subject about this...)


    I should really learn how to read the first post... like the "Known issues" and "Future features" sections.


    Portal Pro
    February 16, 2008
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    United States of America United States of America
    Re: AW: Rockstar Beta 1.0 - the ultimate online music plugin (Spotify&Grooveshark)

    I have a grooveshark free account and entered the login details in the rockstar configuration. I only enabled grooveshark. When i perform a search I get an "error occured" and no results.

    I have the same results.:(

    Today, without making any changes, it started working! I'm thinking that perhaps it is some kind of timeout issue. Just a guess.

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