This may be a stupid question, but I recently installed SAF and are using the LAV Audio Decoder. The problem I'm having is that it's impossible to switch between output devices. I want to change between optical output to my receiver and 5.1 USB headset for late nights When using FFDShow Audio Decoder it works without a problem (Default DirectSound Device in MP), but when using LAV I only get sound over the optical connection (no sound at all when choosing the headset). Why is this? Help appreciated, love the pack otherwise so I want to keep using it.
Did you tryed to disable audio passthrough in LAVF audio decoder while using headphones?
Wow, that was a quick answer, thanks Yes, I tried that and it works. It's a pain in the a** to change it manually each time though. With FFDShow I have passthrough enabled and it still works when changing output to headphones, don't know why. Does FFDShow turn off passthrough when not supported?