Series record options (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 24, 2012
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New Zealand New Zealand
Hi all,

We have just recently switched to MP from WMC and are working on getting our scheduled recordings setup but are running into some issues.

In WMC we were able to setup a tv show to record every time that it aired "around" a specific time. When the series ended it would stop recording until the next series started in six to twelve months down the track. That was awesome for us.

So what where wanting to do is record a show once a week ignoring all other episodes and if the time changes on a episode by around half an hour or so in a particular week adjust the recording for that episode and stop recording once the shows series has ended and pickup the next series as long as the time is the same give or take half an hour. Is there a way to do this in MP that I'm missing.


Portal Member
November 24, 2012
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New Zealand New Zealand
ok so i take it that its not possible to do what i need? unless i use argus which I'm not very keen to do.


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  • June 10, 2008
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    Yes it is possible with advanced episode setup using the standard tvserver.
    You can set to record once per week on this channel on this day.
    Last edited:


    Portal Member
    November 24, 2012
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    This is what we were doing but mp doesn't seem to recognise that the series had ended as it records the show that's on that time next week or had I set it up wrong?


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  • March 24, 2011
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    I am just curious if any updates have been made in the past few years to address this and allow more recording functionality? In Kodi I can schedule to record series and skip reruns. That would be nice and in this day and age is pretty common.


    Portal Pro
    July 13, 2008
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    No, no updates to MP have been made, it still has the rather limited treatment of series and repeated recordings it always has.

    However, do look at the TvWishlist plugin. It does everything you want, and more. For instance, you don't have to wait for a new show (or series start) to appear in the guide before you can set it up to record. If you know a new show is coming some time in the future, just enter it into the wishlist database for future recognition.

    I'm surprised this doesn't get recommended more often as the solution to repeats and series handling. It's great and really should be integrated into MP itself so it gets installed as standard. Would reduce the number of threads on this subject!


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  • March 24, 2011
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    I stated this in another thread but I think it definitely should be reiterated... Also, really look at what you just said as it really makes my point!

    "No, no updates to MP have been made, it still has the rather limited treatment of series and repeated recordings it always has."

    Tried TV Wishlist. Nothing like the options I have in Kodi. I can select "record series" and then "record new episodes" and in two clicks of my remote, WHAMMO done! I used MP about three years ago and this was one of the reasons I switched. To convoluted and over complicated. You shouldnt need SQL Query exp. just to record a series. Just kiddin' kinda... ;)

    Seriously, has no one still figured out that this is a must have feature? If you are going to record "TV" then you will probably need record series with the option to skip reruns. Info is in the EPG already Kodi has it, MCE has it, I think Myth TV has it, etc...
    I have always thought MP has huge potential but its major features like this missing that just kills it for me and I bet a lot of others. Cant be that hard Kodi has had it for years now. Not trying to sound negative, you know how it is when typing it can come off that way. I really dig MP just tired of what should be fully integrated and functional being glossed over.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    AFAIK Kodi doesn't have built-in TV/PVR support, so I don't know what you mean when you say "Kodi has it" and "Kodi has had it for years now".

    I really dig MP just tired of what should be fully integrated and functional being glossed over.
    Without spending hours explaining the situation, a short answer to this comment is that these days the team often don't have enough developers to find and fix the problems that are reported (let alone implement new things).

    With the TV Server code in the mess that it is, my priority (as one of the only active TV Server developers) is on cleaning up the mess and making it significantly easier and faster to fix and implement new things like what you're asking for.

    You're fully entitled to insist that the feature you're describing is a "must have" feature etc. However, honestly the opinion means very little to me. I don't say that to be offensive. Rather, I simply mean that it won't change what I decide to work on. From my perspective almost everybody seems to have the same opinion about their own requests (...which are usually all different). Precious few people actually put their money where their mouth is and contribute in a way that helps to bring their requests into being. So, your opinion/request doesn't stand out from the myriad of other requests that come across my screen...


    Portal Pro
    July 13, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I really dig MP just tired of what should be fully integrated and functional being glossed over.

    I'm now curious as to why you're commenting in here? You obviously aren't actually using MP.

    Anyway, I just installed Kodi to see what it's all about - and the very first thing I have to do get TV is install something else. This is "fully integrated and functional"?

    I agree that TvWishlist is not perfect (no series link mainly, but that's an entirely different issue). On the other hand, for a little more work I get something better than anything else I've seen, including the Sky offering.

    I'm hugely grateful that there developers out there prepared to give their time to producing the likes of MP (and others). None of them are perfect - but they're all free and open to altering yourself if you wish.

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