He doesn't mean a re-import on empty database, he means force a manual "Run Import", so that MP-TVSeries updates all the fields after it scanned for new episodes, missing artwork, etc
You more then likely copied your db3 file for MP-TVSeries along with the 'thumbs' folder and the media itself. As long as the paths are the same that will work as-is, and you just have to reset the watched status indeed. If you update that on the episodes table alone, and then force a "Run Import", which takes about 2 minutes for me with 380 shows, it should correct all the other tables for you.
Yeah you're right you can just set the EpisodeCount == EpisodesUnwatched.
IIRC UnwatchedItems is a boolean value i.e. '1' or '0', in your case you want to set it to '1' to indicate that you have unwatched episodes for the season/series (it's a redundant column but it still gets used in some places).
Ok, done. Here's the complete set of SQL statements required to do the job:
c:\SQLITE3.EXE C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database\TVSeriesDatabase4.db3
UPDATE online_episodes SET watched = 0;
UPDATE online_series SET UnwatchedItems = 1;
UPDATE online_series SET EpisodesUnwatched = EpisodeCount;
UPDATE season SET EpisodesUnwatched = EpisodeCount;
UPDATE season SET UnwatchedItems = 1;
I can now see why it will be tricky to allow individual users to set their own 'watched' flags.