Show sub-title field in EPG from XMLTV Source? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 11, 2007
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England England

You need to bear in mind that the Program table in the database for TVE3 only currently contains the following columns:
Program, channel, startTime, endTime, title, description, seriesNum, episodeNum, genre, originalAirDate, classification, starRating, notify and parentalRating

There is no subtitle column to store the information.

An XMLTV site such as the Radio Times one in the UK also supplies the following information:

Subtitle, Year (for films), Director, Cast, Premiere, Film, Repeat, Subtitles, Widescreen, New Series, Deaf Signed, Black & White, Choice and Duration (in minutes). Some of these are just true/false flags and fields are populated depending on the type of program.

For additional information to appear in the EPG the Program Table would need to be dropped and redefined with the new columns. The XMLTV Plugin in TVE3 would need to be amended, XMLTV grabbers may also have to be updated to supply whatever information is available and MediaPortal would need to be amended to be able to display it properly.

I would imagine that this will be enhanced in time after 0.2.3 Final has been released and the change freeze lifted.



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  • August 8, 2006
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    Hi all,

    Seems to me that with tv3 is not yet possible show on tv guide and naming the recorded files with the subtitle tag, so I was wondering if is possible give to mediaportal a tvguide.xml "modded file", where each "title" tag become for example "title - sub-title".


    Portal Member
    March 16, 2009
    Boise, ID
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    No sub-title (EpisodeName) support in TVserver

    Is anyone pursuing this any further? The incompatibility of the TV2 engine with MP 1.0.1 finally convinced me to switch to TVserver, and it is annoying not to have episode names available anymore in the guide. Since I don't currently get genre data from my EPG site, I'm thinking about modifying my WebEPG grabber file to store the episode name in the #GENRE variable instead of the #SUBTITLE variable as a temporary work-around, but it would be nice to have it work correctly to begin with.


    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
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    Belgium Belgium
    I came up with a quick fix, though not really the best solution. I tweaked my XML grabber to combine the title and subtitle fields so that they are both in the title column. Thanks for your help though! :)
    Why don't you consider a clean way to be able to use and display the episode title field, aka For The Record? :D


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    I came up with a quick fix, though not really the best solution. I tweaked my XML grabber to combine the title and subtitle fields so that they are both in the title column. Thanks for your help though! :)
    Why don't you consider a clean way to be able to use and display the episode title field, aka For The Record? :D

    Someone seems to always forget (maybe on purpose :p) that For the Record is still missing some features that normal TVE3 client has had for years. It would be good to show the both sides of the coin, not just the shiny side that was polished.


    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    Someone seems to always forget (maybe on purpose :p) that For the Record is still missing some features that normal TVE3 client has had for years. It would be good to show the both sides of the coin, not just the shiny side that was polished.
    Someone seems to always have the urge to point out any missing features, no matter how small ;) Version 1.4 (now in BETA) will have radio and teletext support, so the amount or real-world value of any missing features is rapidly dwindling, or am I overlooking something important? :)

    And I like to think (but I'm biased) that the shiny polished side is so polished in the mean time that you need to wear sunglasses :D


    Portal Member
    March 16, 2009
    Boise, ID
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    For The Record

    DVDFreak wrote:
    Why don't you consider a clean way to be able to use and display the episode title field, aka For The Record?

    I have been looking into this, but I just went through a massive hassle (and the aggravation I caused my wife...) by installing MP 1.0.1, and I don't want to create another one. The list of problems I've had is long:

    • I was using TVE2, which is broken in MP 1.0.1, so I switched from TVE2 to TVE3
    • After the install, nothing I could do would make TVE3 accept my database password. Many hours later, I decided to uninstall SQLExpress and then reinstall it. Finally, I got the TVE3 working...
    • But this caused my IR blasting and EPG to die.
      • Switched from MCE Replacement plugin to IR Server Suite and , after a few hours of frustration, that fixed the blasting.
        • But there appears to be some kind of conflict between IRSS's Input Service and MAME32.
        • When I first turn on the HTPC, Input Service auto-starts, and if I try to start MAME32 (either stand-alone or through MyEmulators) it errors out.
        • If I stop Input Service, start MAME32, restart Input Service, then shut down MAME32, then I can start and stop MAME32 all I want to and all is well. Very weird.
        • Any time Input Service shuts down, I need to start MAME32 before starting it again, or it breaks. This took several aggravating hours to resolve, and is very annoying.
        • Also, for some reason, Input Service seems to spontaneously shut itself down a few times per week. I haven't drudged through the log file to try to figure out why yet...
      • A couple of hours fighting with the XMLTV plugin for TVE3 resolved the EPG problem.
    • TVE3 cannot import Recorded TV from TVE2, which is a bit of a pain. It was simple enough to transfer the TVE2 Recorded TV folder into the MyVideos folder, though, so this really wasn't a huge problem, but now I have to keep track of TV series in two different folders.
    • The other problem with TVE3 is the rather large lag between what is live and what is shown on the screen. This isn't an issue for my OTA channels, but I have a video source in another part of the house plugged into my HTPC that is controlled by an RF remote, and the lag makes navigating on that box extremely frustrating. With TVE2, I could turn off timeshifting and there was very little lag. With TVE3, there is no ability to turn off timeshifting...
    • Finally, of course, there is the issue with the episode name not being available in TVE3, since it does not seem to handle <sub-title> in the TVguide.xml file. This is very frustrating, since it seems obvious that this would be important to people using a HTPC.

    Anyway, with all of these issues I've had to fight through in the past few weeks, it will be very difficult to convince my wife that I should mess with the system again by installing For The Record.

    DVDfreak, do you have any words of assurance that the transition to For The Record will be smooth and pain free? If not, I think I'll have to wait a while to give it a try, for the sake of my marriage...

    BTW, sorry if this post seems like an endless list of complaints. On the whole, I absolutely love MP, and I am very thankful to those who spend their free time devoted to making it even better. Some people say, "you get what you pay for", but in the case of MP, I think we all get a lot more than that.


    Is the MP team actively working to fix the problem with lack of episode name support? Also, what would you consider to be the drawbacks of using For The Record?



    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
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    Belgium Belgium
    There's a detailed installation guide available here: Download | For The Record, so you could check that out before even thinking about installing.

    I think our setup procedure coupled with the document is fairly painless, but there's always people that have problems, so how can I give a guarantee? ;) You can always uninstall it if you get into trouble...


    Portal Member
    March 16, 2009
    Boise, ID
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    For The Record

    I have read through the installation guide, and things seem pretty straight-forward, but considering the WAF (wife aggravation factor) I think I'll wait awhile before going forward with the install.

    My idea of swapping the #GENRE variable for the #SUBTITLE variable in WebEPG, and then swapping #TV.Guide.Genre for #TV.Guide.EpisodeName in the mytvguide.xml modification recommended by Clean has worked as expected, so I at least have a work-around for that problem.

    I like the looks of some of the advanced record features in For The Record, though, so I will definitely give it a try at some point, but I have to give my wife some time to settle before stirring the pot again. :D I'll probably hold out for the release of version 1.4.


    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
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    Belgium Belgium
    Version 1.4 should be out one of the coming weeks, we're close to RC status. And if that goes well the public release will follow soon.

    Looking forward to your feedback once you have indeed tried it :)

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