Now in mantis: 0002166: Add EpisodeName and EpisodePart to program db table - MediaPortal Bugtracker
I would like to know, too. This problem is reported to be fixed in mantis, but I don't see the "sub-title" field in the latest Blue3wide skin.
I would like to know, too. This problem is reported to be fixed in mantis, but I don't see the "sub-title" field in the latest Blue3wide skin.
What did you do to combine the "title" and subtitle ("sub-title") fields into "title"? I am using xmltv plugin, mc2xml grabber and the default xmltv.dtd.
Thank you.
I am using MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-10-20-2009 20-02h - Revision:23908 and I still do not see on my screen the sub-title information <sub-title lang="en">The Curious Case of Dean Winchester</sub-title> combined with title <title lang="en">Supernatural</title> (see the attached xml and screen print).
By the way, my c:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\Plugins\XmlTvImport.dll file version windows properties is, but TV Server configuration program shows the following properties:
Author: Frodo
<programme start="20091029030000" stop="20091029035000" channel="894">
<title>Dark Angel</title>
<sub-title>Per Amore Di Un Fratello</sub-title>
<desc>Max va da Logan e i due si baciano. Ma subito dopo Logan perde i sensi e Max scopre che è a causa di un virus che le è stato inoculato per ucciderlo.</desc>
<director>James Cameron</director>
<actor>Jensen Ackles</actor>
<actor>Jessica Alba</actor>
<actor>John Savage</actor>
<actor>Michael Weatherly</actor>