ShowTimes Plugin Suite V3.4.3 (2017-01-09) (2 Viewers)


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April 14, 2010
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Canada Canada

"The Heat" comes up fine now. Maybe it has to do with movies that aren't out yet get scrapped from different locations to ones that are out? Don't know.

Spud, change works great. Again thanks for your help.

Now to figure out why I can't play trailers. I've setup the plugin to look for 720p, and to download them (also have tried with un-checking the download option), but the trailer selection is greyed out in the skin for all the movies. Any help in steering me on the right path? Anything else I should look at? As far as I know, trailers play fine when going to StreamedMP's trailer page, so I don't think its a codec issue. In fact, when I go to the directory where I figure the trailers should is empty.

I'll have to see if something is indicative in the logs.


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  • July 10, 2011
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    Germany Germany
    Is there an known issue with ShowTimes Grabber v3.4.0 and MP 1.4?

    It seems not to be possible to shutdown MP with activated Grabber. MP is closed only - no shutdown. The following error is logged:

    Access to the path "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Team MediaPortal \ MediaPortal \ MediaPortal.xml" was denied.

    My MedialPortal.xml was never in this folder. It is saved in
    C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal

    Has somebody an explanation?


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • July 10, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Is there an known issue with ShowTimes Grabber v3.4.0 and MP 1.4?

    It seems not to be possible to shutdown MP with activated Grabber. MP is closed only - no shutdown. The following error is logged:

    Access to the path "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Team MediaPortal \ MediaPortal \ MediaPortal.xml" was denied.

    My MedialPortal.xml was never in this folder. It is saved in
    C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal

    Has somebody an explanation?

    Has nobody an answer?


    MP Donator
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  • July 10, 2011
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    Germany Germany
    There is no path to set for MediaPortal.xml. I think all existing paths are set correct. There is no path set to "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Team MediaPortal \ MediaPortal \ MediaPortal.xml"


    Portal Member
    June 7, 2008
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Hello guys,

    after last update of this plugin it's not working well anymore.. it download trailers as scheduled and i was able to see them on local Language (italian for me), now after last update, seems there's download but if i launch trailer it connect to imdb channel with online videos plugin, and all trailers are only in english. Showtime is configured for our local cinemas (and works) and everything else works too; the option "Prefer englsh trailer" in configuration is not checked, of course.

    Anyone know a possible fix for this ?

    thanks a lot !

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    David Cavalli

    New Member
    August 30, 2013
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    United States of America United States of America
    Hi Nephilim,

    Long time user, starting back early on, with SageTV. I still use the mtsa.exe (stand alone) program and love it. That being said, I've had a couple of various issues that stopped it working for a while, with crashing. The solution was figuring out the new entries <BackDropFolder>, <BoxOffice>, and <ComingSoon> and (almost) all was well. It did the backdrops right, posters worked again and no crashing. Yay!

    That being said, it no longer seems to download trailers any more and I can't figure out why. I downgraded from HD1080 to High, but it didn't seem to work.

    Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks for the years of work on mtsa! :D



    • config.xml
      2.4 KB
    • MovieTimes.txt
      30.7 KB


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • July 10, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Is there an known issue with ShowTimes Grabber v3.4.0 and MP 1.4?

    It seems not to be possible to shutdown MP with activated Grabber. MP is closed only - no shutdown. The following error is logged:

    Access to the path "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Team MediaPortal \ MediaPortal \ MediaPortal.xml" was denied.

    My MedialPortal.xml was never in this folder. It is saved in
    C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal

    Has somebody an explanation?
    Set your paths correct in the grabber config ;)

    There is no path to set for MediaPortal.xml. I think all existing paths are set correct. There is no path set to "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Team MediaPortal \ MediaPortal \ MediaPortal.xml"

    Has nobody any additional hint to solve my issue?


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 27, 2007
    Yorkshire, UK
    Home Country
    England England
    Hi all - mostly issues like this can be resolved by completely removing the plugin and reinstalling it.
    Also try disabling UAC
    Give it a go :)
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