This is REALLY nice.
I will give it a spin as soon as its available. I especially like the boxes with rounded corners and speech triangles on them as it makes it look very modern.
Sort of fits with the new forum too
I know everyone doesnt like the blue, but personally I LOVE IT.
Again GREAT work.
Any ideas as to when a release is likely to be?? Are you looking at days, weeks, months??
I alsmost feel like this should be an MP2 skin with the feel that it has!!
Must add my voice to the chorus of praise - nice
From the comment above it looks like there's going to be a flood of plugin requests, so mundo work for the devs..!
This is a great looking skin, looking forward to giving it a try!
One thing though, I dont know if it's just me, but on the first screenshot where you are on the home menu, the blue bar at the bottom just looks out of place to me - I think it would look better if the blue bar wasnt there.