Great work you are doing!
About the 3-4day forecast weather, is it possible to have this forecast to be always visible? Not only when you highlightig the weather icon? But perhaps thats how it will work? Its hard to say through the image...
Sounds nice about the features you are working on!
About the touch screen interface i really do understand this is not priority one for you. But i do know there actually is many out there using mediaportal with touch and it becomes more and more ordinary. Also, this touch screen interface will work nice to use with your mouse... So having this skin with TouchScreen compabilitys will be the first of its kind which is really cool!
About the mouse, in homescreen when moving the mouse the screen fades to black? This means i cant navigate using the mouse at all. And when using keyboard/remote left right it all apears fine again. Any ideas on why?
yes i know why the menu disappears, when you move the mouse the controls loses focus and if nothing has focus it doesnt know what to display, know im not 100% sure how im going to resolve the issue but i have built the options into the menu editor to change it.
the only real reason that building touch screen support is low on the list is because i dont have one to test the navigation ect so ill ad the option into the editor to display an overlay for touch screens then i will have to get someone else to test to ensure it works
Anyone the first thing to get done is the editor then ill look at tweaking the code to resolve these issues.