@divxmaster - attached is a new TsReader.ax file to try (version
This has a registry value which you can change to change the minimum 'offset time' from the end-of--recording-file that it will seek to i.e. it won't seek closer than 'n' milliseconds from the end of the file.
The registry key is in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team MediaPortal\TsReader
The specific value is: SeekEndOfFileOffsetInMilliSeconds
It's set to 4000 milliseconds (4 s) by default, but you can change it to any value between 2000 and 30000 milliseconds (2 s to 30 s)
Just replace TsReader.ax in C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal with the new one and play a recording or live TV in MP so that TsReader is loaded and the default registry value is created. After that, to change the 'SeekEndOfFileOffsetInMilliSeconds' value just run the Windows 'Registry Editor' app and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team MediaPortal\TsReader (make sure you view the value in Decimal, not Hexadecimal - see below)
This has a registry value which you can change to change the minimum 'offset time' from the end-of--recording-file that it will seek to i.e. it won't seek closer than 'n' milliseconds from the end of the file.
The registry key is in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team MediaPortal\TsReader
The specific value is: SeekEndOfFileOffsetInMilliSeconds
It's set to 4000 milliseconds (4 s) by default, but you can change it to any value between 2000 and 30000 milliseconds (2 s to 30 s)
Just replace TsReader.ax in C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal with the new one and play a recording or live TV in MP so that TsReader is loaded and the default registry value is created. After that, to change the 'SeekEndOfFileOffsetInMilliSeconds' value just run the Windows 'Registry Editor' app and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team MediaPortal\TsReader (make sure you view the value in Decimal, not Hexadecimal - see below)