SmartPlaylists ( (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 12, 2006
Hello Dadeo,
i can make some changes. Could you list me exactly what you need?
1 - ....
2 - ...

Thanks for your contribution


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Thank you very much for your openness and responsiveness. I hope I was clear that I am not criticizing or complaining. Both SmartPlaylists and GlobalSearh are fantastic plugins and I would just like to help make them look better.

    To be honest, I really dont know why I am having trouble as usually all the things I want are automatically supported.

    1. First of all, you need to get your window ids into the MP Strings files so it doesn't record translation errors and so #currentmodule can work. You should have all your unique labels in there as well, or use existing ones so they are translated and useful for non English speaking users.

    2. For myself, I reallly need the following GUI Properties supported (they really should be in all plugins)
    EDIT: To clarify, selecteditem/2 are supported in Main screen, but selecteditem combines artist and song, and selecteditem2 combines duration and genre, so you cannot skin those elements separately. Selectedthumb does not seem to be supported probably because it cannot link to an artist or album name.

    3. These GUI Properties would very helpful though not essential:
    #view//Main or Details
    #itemcount (ie. number of objects in the list)

    4, In your plugin I think you have most of these:
    #title // song title,
    #artist // song artist
    #album // song album
    #track // song track number
    #year // song year
    #genre //music genre
    #rating // music rating

    BUT - I don't think you use the standard GUI Properties. It looks like you have defined your own. I am not a developer so please excuse me if am totally off base, but I assume if you use the standard GUI properties, then they inherit the standard controls.

    5. The controls I need are:
    Label (with align left/center/right, width, height, etc)
    Fadelabel (same as above)
    Textbox (with textalign left/center/right, height, width, etc)
    Textboxscrollup (same as textbox)

    As it is, I can only use a label or fadelabel control on any of the text and I cannot even reset the width or center labels. I have checked many other skins and they have not used any of these controls either, rather they barely change the default skin file (and that is unusual), so I am guessing they had the same problem.

    EDIT: the worse part is that if I move certain controls within the Details xml, then songname or played count and some other data will not display.

    6. I'm not sure what image is supposed to display on the Details screen because I get the missing coverart all the time in all skins. Is that just me? Is it because my thumbs are in userdata/thumbs folder not folder.jpg? What image is supposed to display there?

    7. Regarding the Details screen - As I said in the other post it makes no sense to have two xmls (GlobalSearch.Music.Details and SmartPlaylist.Music.Details with the same window id as MP will only access one of them and right now I have no way to show users where they are. I cannot use a unique header title, header image or anything so I have to use a generic Music one, but then you can't tell if you are in GlobalSearch or SmartPlaylists, not a big deal, but it would be nice.

    IMO it would be great if you could just show all the details on the main screen. Then have a playbutton on the menu that takes you straight to the NowPlaying screen. However, I don't know what difficulties this may cause you in the plugins processes.

    Thanks again for listening, The above list looks a lot worse than it really is :) but anything you can do will be a help!


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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Hi kiwijunglist,

    i have the HD3200 onboard Gigabyte but i use CoreAVC to watch DVB-T H264 channels and Cyberlink for DVB-T Mpeg2, by now everything works nice, no more live tv struttering since i have changed antenna cable.
    I have never tried to increase HT frequency, just put max of RAM VGA in bios (512Mo)

    Hi fabien,
    I have upgraded to HD4670 now. I think your HD3200 works fine with MP>1.0.1 + H264 TV because your not fully utilising the GPU. CoreAVC does use the GPU a bit, but it's not fully DXVA compared to PDVD9 codec. Quite happy with the HD4670.


    Portal Member
    January 13, 2008
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Smart album playlists?

    This looks like an interesting plugin! I have been thinking about a feature that I would find useful, and wonder if it can be possible to do it using SmartPlaylists somehow.

    I would like to add a custom number to each of my mp3-albums (1-5 digits), and then be able to start playing the album by entering the number on the remote. Let's say I start by pressing the yellow button on the remote, then enter the number, press OK, and the album starts playing. By associating short numbers to my physichal CDs, it could make it easy looking through them and playing the mp3-copy.

    Not sure if I'm quite on topic here - I was thinking that SmartPlaylists would give access to some custom querying, which could be useful.

    Is SmartPlaylists the answer, or should I try looking elsewhere? :)


    Portal Pro
    March 12, 2006
    Maybe the plugin would aim that is Global Music Search. For this purpose, you must affect every album with a digit code and it could only be managed by the music database (i don't know if the structure accepts that with a specific field)


    Portal Pro
    March 12, 2006
    New version 1.1.1 released.

    I've simplified features and cut some GUI properties (song details information and thumbnail album) i thought useless.


    Portal Pro
    March 12, 2006
    I have a request for c# developper:
    what is the function to retreive the current select record?
    I explain:
    In my plugin, i execute a query and the result (list of music tracks) is displayed on the screen. I can select one in pressing up or down keys. If i press on OK i play the track. My aim is to display track information (thumbnail, name of artist, ...) on the current selection (on the fly, before pressing ok).



    Portal Member
    January 13, 2007
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Re: SmartPlaylists (1.1.1)


    Installation Instructions

    - Shutdown MediaPortal
    - Copy the plugins files (dll & xml files) into the plugins/windows directory and the skin xml into the skin directory to your MediaPortal directory
    (e.g.: c:\Program Files\Team-MediaPortal\MediaPortal).
    - Start MediaPortal

    ....but wher do you have to copy the "release" folder?

    The plugin is great but it seems to crash MP with me but im sure that is because i havent copied the release folder.

    Any advise would be greatly received. Thank You


    Portal Pro
    March 12, 2006
    Re: SmartPlaylists (1.1.1)

    Strange, for me it works dor MP 1.1.0 RC1.
    Now the skin folder is located in the local user directory.
    Try to copy dll & xml config to c:\Program Files\Team-MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\windows, and copy the skin files to the local user directory dedicated to MP.
    Let me know.

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