Area: My TV
MP Version: RC1
Skin: Blue 2
Windows Version: Windows XP SP2 (+all updates)
CPU Type: AMD 3200+
Memory: 512 MB
Motherboard Chipset: Asrock K7S8E (SiS748 + 964)
Video Card: Leadtek Geforce 2 400 MX
Video Card Driver: Detonator 78.01
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Nvidia video decoder
Audio Codec Type & Version: FFDshow
TV Card: Hauppauge PVR-500 MCE
TV Card Type: hardware
TV Card Driver:
"screen shots" speak better then a million words I guess:
I get this picture sometimes when MP starts up, it never happened while watching TV. Also it does not go away by itself. I need to shutdown MP and start it again to get it working again (or turn the tv off and back on again in the "my tv" menu). Sometimes I get the strange picture a couple of times in a row, but just jet I did not seem to able to get it working again. After shutting down and starting up MP 15 times I rebooted and it was fine again.
Has anyone got an idea what is causing this problem?
MP Version: RC1
Skin: Blue 2
Windows Version: Windows XP SP2 (+all updates)
CPU Type: AMD 3200+
Memory: 512 MB
Motherboard Chipset: Asrock K7S8E (SiS748 + 964)
Video Card: Leadtek Geforce 2 400 MX
Video Card Driver: Detonator 78.01
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Nvidia video decoder
Audio Codec Type & Version: FFDshow
TV Card: Hauppauge PVR-500 MCE
TV Card Type: hardware
TV Card Driver:
"screen shots" speak better then a million words I guess:

I get this picture sometimes when MP starts up, it never happened while watching TV. Also it does not go away by itself. I need to shutdown MP and start it again to get it working again (or turn the tv off and back on again in the "my tv" menu). Sometimes I get the strange picture a couple of times in a row, but just jet I did not seem to able to get it working again. After shutting down and starting up MP 15 times I rebooted and it was fine again.
Has anyone got an idea what is causing this problem?