Alright, so I've put together a simple plugin to play rar files.
It's not perfect, not even close. It's not very clever either.
Read the included ReadMe.txt file for all the details.
I put it together in the last couple of hours, while watching the grand prix, so it's gunna have bugs.
I will support it, a bit. I'll improve it, a bit. But I don't use RAR files, so I'm not gunna waste too much time on it. I'd suggest someone else pick up the source and make their own changes. The source code is in MediaPortal Plugin SVN.
And I don't wanna hear any "See, it was easy, why didn't someone do it sooner!?!", because it's not. This is a crap solution, and to do it properly would take way more effort than I am willing to give.
Good luck,
yes but using a rar as a folder based on FUSE or whatever should be done at the o/s level not mediaportal level.
does the xbmc linux already support rars?